Fun And Games >> New


Staff member
Jan 19, 1999
Reaction score
right i have added all our game's and fun sections together now

it is in the link above called DW FUN AND GAMES

but here is the link aswell to get you all there !!!


have fun and make sure you all try to get some high scores
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How do u find the time Mickie :Clap: :Clap: :Clap:
Right i have added ..... 5 more games to the arcade

go have fun everyone

note: the game plasma is 1MB in size so it will take a long time to laod for 56k'ers .... dont blame me :)
great m8 hav'nt played astriods for years, but when i had a game it told me i was cheating, but i was'nt.

sparkling job your doing m8.


:) :)
if you press the back button to get to the game it clases it as cheating .... dont worry about it m8 !!!!
i have had 66.000 in X-Breakout...and i got an database error again.
But i refreshed the site before....cryyyyyyyyyyyyyy

i finally figured out how this simon says game works...lmao...omg i was wonder i got never more than 1 point...lmao
lol DA practice makes perfect..... i got a big score on the Xbreakout and to be honest the maker made the game well to easy i killed myself because it was going on forever... to many balls even if you lose 3 there will always be another ball extra

the fun in that game is getting as many balls on the screen as poosable (im at college now) but i took a picture with about 10 - 15 balls cant remember how many but it was alot .. i will post it l8er when i get home :)