Friggin Gnats


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VIP Member
Aug 29, 2001
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Im bloody covered in Gnat bites,must have 10/12 of them and they itch like mad Grrrrr
why can u never feel them ? there sneaky and get u when ur sleeping :Cry:
A gnat is sometimes also called a blackfly, even though it can be black or gray. It is a very tiny insect, no bigger than the head of a pin. Gnats are found anyplace in the world where there is a river or stream, because they lay their eggs in watery places. They need the blood of warm-blooded animals to survive. They can bite humans right through their clothes to get blood.

A person who gets bitten by a gnat may not even know it at the time. But soon after, the area around the bite will start to swell up. There may be a little bit of blood coming from the bite. The bite will be very itchy and can be painful.

If you've been bitten by a gnat, wash the bite with soap and water. Because gnats can pick up bacteria from other things they've landed on (like rotten food or dead animals), it's also a good idea to swab the bite with a little antiseptic. Putting an ice pack on the bite can also make it feel less painful.
I few tips how to avoid them....

If your getting bit outside in the garden, roll on some, roll on 'buzz off' or spray.

Use a plug in mosquito plug in thingy, the one you get for travelling abroad.

Morrisons sell small candles for the garden 'citronella' although use this with caution in the bedroom, don't put it on the window sil if you have curtains or where it could get knooked over...stand it on a baking tray or similar.
Or anything which contains citronella as they don't the smell....although you can't smell it.