freeview hack

Kalipo said:
That my Diamond Special picture/avatar...

anyway ive not heared anyone actually working on a hack.. maybe if somone was hacking it they wouldnt let anyone know.. simply because theyd want to be first at hacking it... so i say wait and 1 day when sly sports and ppv are on tutv we will have it free :)

Ever thought that they may be too embarrassed to admit it lol
It would be nice for the kids to have it for there play room, cartoon network etc.
I miss on-digital/itv digital. Now that was easy to update, just enter the new keys with the remote.
If it happens, great, but not too soon, we don’t want freeveiw and tutv to go the same way as its predecessor.
It's one thing circumventing a big origination that is making a vast profit, but to cut the legs out from a company that has yet to break even is another.
I wonder if the red hot tv code can be calculated. Anyone know how this might be done?
dadoggy said:
If it happens, great, but not too soon, we don’t want freeveiw and tutv to go the same way as its predecessor.

I doubt the people at TUPUP are daft enough to put millions into division 1
It Would Be Nice If It Was Hacked Anythings Good For Free.
red hot channel help

:toiletcla any way to get the red hot channel for free
Can I just say (what no! well feck off then! - oh sorry been paranoid!!):

As far as I am concerned E4 is the only channel worth watching on TUTV (apart from some classics on TCM). I did hear somewhere a while back that E4 is going to be Free to Air by the end of the year!
i have read somewhere of a hack for this using the nokia boxes, i will look again now and copy for everyone
I have search the net for hours and have come up short.Do they use same tec as On dig?
taken from another forum . these are to get red hot on frieview, am looking for the other channels

PCR PID = 2304

PMT PID = 259

TS ID = 12290

SERVICE ID = 15680

If you have a Nokia MediaMaster Set Top Box you can enter them manually on that aswell.

I seem to remember my Nokia 221T has the option to enter pids when you tell it to scan in manual.
I watched it last night on my nokia 221T
setting i used were in the advanced manual channel search menu

Channel set to 59
video PID 7070
audio PID 7071
PCR PID = 2304

Anyone found any other boxes that this will work on? I have a good collection of boxes so I will have a look and try some.

Buck I have a nokia mediamaster 9850t box. How would I go about entering the codes?
The PID's are only for xtraview / redhot as these are broadcast unencrypted.
men and motors is good if you like the clasiic Professionals and Sweeney and the car rumbles and stuff are ok...... ;-)
Hi All, :Wave:

breeze said:
Buck I have a nokia mediamaster 9850t box. How would I go about entering the codes?

Me Too Please buckthehero

Pretty Pretty Please.

Tallywadger said:
men and motors is good if you like the clasiic Professionals and Sweeney and the car rumbles and stuff are ok...... ;-)
And you like allot of them l :grayno:
You can't manually enter PID's in the 9850t