Fookin Toshiba Regza's


Inactive User
Jan 31, 2007
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I've got a 37" Toshiba Regza in the bedroom linked up to V+, 360 (well it was until I got RROD yesterday) and my PC...

Now I've got a DVI gfx card in my quad core that I cannot use due to the Regza 1. Not having DVI and 2. Not supporting HDMI/DVI conversion...

I only found this out after getting the TV so have to use a shitty VGA/DVI converter :(

Anyways I have another PC I use for flashing 360's etc that needs a format. Not a problem I thought I'll just link it up to Regza and format...INCORRECT...The Regza will only show a picture when fully booted into XP...IF you try to boot from say a Linux CD or go into dos I just get a flashing screen where it won't sync ...Even my shitty Woolworths telly will sync with the PC in DOS...

So now I have to drag my PC all the fookin way down stairs to format :(

And I kerbed my 19" Audi alloys today... Arrrrrgh