floppydtv s2 probs


Inactive User
Jan 25, 2009
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hi all been using my floppy for a couple of months and all was well but had to change mobo and psu so formated my drive and reinstalled everything using win 7 x64 before and after and dvbviewer 4.2.2 pro legit lol the prob is that it wont pick up hardly any channels or transponders tried a few different prog and all same even the firedtv that came with it i got around this by importing ini file and that worked but everytime i change sat i have to rebuild graph also to view encrypted channels got to go to fta first tried all different settings but nothing seems to work somtimes you have to rbuild graph 3to 4 times and sometimes it happens when you just start dvbviewer is there anyone out there that can help please
known issues with windows 7 x64 drivers - not likely to be fixed now that they arent making the cards anymore
got the win 7 drivers been working on it for a couple of months i think its a hardware isssue
other thing it could be is floppydtv's can be very fussy about firewire controllers - if you used a card before and are now using onboard then try the card again - of course if you were using onboard before then it's gonna be a bit trickier
yes was using a card before but cant go back to it as i have no spare pci slots in fact i have none which is strange they are all pci-e and i know what you are thinking why buy a board with such little expansion.the reason its the only 1 that you can get an amplified hd dts 7.1 surrond just connect your speakers to the card that comes with the board just need to solve this prob i also changed the iee controller to legacy but still no joy got to solder a radial capcitor onto the power lead as there seems to be a voltage prob with floppydtv so going to try that these floppys dont like much new power supplys iee cont lol
I generaly try and avoid thinking as it always gets me in trouble lol
yeah i know what you mean mines fried with this prob just emailed the guy where i bought it from and he told me to send it back and he would take the 1 out of his pc at home and exchange it with that 1 lol some people :banana:
well wonko you were right tried everything to get it to work and in the end i bought a pci-e firewire card and it worked so floppys are very fussy lol thanks for your help mate