Flashing Problem


Inactive User
Jul 19, 2005
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Hi, i reasonlty had a kien system message on my dbox so i used ifa to flash the box however during the last part of the process in the log it displays

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the firewall is turned off, it says flashing done on the box however when you boot up the box it goes through the first part with the debug message but after that it just goes to a blank screen. Have you got any ideas what the problem could be ?

A quick translation
The Request comes from the network map (and not of the DBOX), probably BootP> runs a Firewall or any other servers in the same net?
If it says flashing done unplug the power then take the nullmodem and crossover out of the box and see if it boots up then.
seams to be ok didn't work the first couple of times with the don x1 image used sportster and the lincsat one and it seams to be ok