Fitness on a student budget


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VIP Member
Sep 9, 2007
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hey peeps,
Im a uni student, just joined the uni gym today (£50 til sept so not bad). I want to lose a bit of weight, and build muscle. atm im 13st and a touch under 6ft. I wouldnt say im fat, got a lil beer belly, and a bit of moob, but nothing major. Id say my cardio is still decent, play 5 a side for a hr a nite 2 times a week, and walk about 3-4 miles a day. I obv need to improve my diet, and as there is a few budding cooks on here, i was wondering about some meals that are cheap and easy to make on a student budget, that will give me what i need to help me get fit and build muscle. Im also interested in possibly starting supplements ( maybe the protien shakes or something, nothing major) i was wondering which is best buy on a budget. Im looking at going to the gym maybe 4-5 times a week, as well as doing weights. any advice would be greatly appreciated :)
like u said to lose the beer belly u gotta change the way and what u eat..its not really a case off dietin..cause u still gotta eat about 5 to 6 times a day..i say that i dont mean like big plate a big breakfast cause you'll have the rest off the day to burn that off.mayb something like porridge and some boiled eggs then wee snack like fruit and mayb a sandwich..dinnertime mayb turkey breast on a sandwich with salad but theres loads off things like thatu can eat.ive only said what i really eat.try cuttin out your carbs later on durin the day like your bread and pasta and that unless u got football cause u need carbs for energy..but thngs to eat on a budget..get tins off tuna and what ive noticed aswell.i go shoppin and say for instance..theres a pack off turkey breast.u get like 5 for 3.40. i used to think **** that im not payin all that but if u think about it..ive startin buyin it cause i have it each day for my lunch on brown really its doin your lunch everyday ff the i kno you'll get fed up with it..but think about how much u would have spent in the shops on roll and juice say..mayb bout 3 quid and thats just one u should try doin that with tins off tuna aswell, chicken breast , turkey breast , even makin mince usin lean beef cause there all have good protien in it and not to forget boiled eggs and for makin ommelettes. really good for u.the supplements u shouldnt really need yet.mayb once u start inprovin the way u eat cause ou'll just be wastin your money really.protien shakes yeah cause theres going be times when u cant get something to eat and need to boost your protein intake. there loads off things really..ive just tired to say loads off differnt things without going into a story..but im always on line lookin things up..if u need any sites for info give is a shout..but be carefully what sites u might find youself cause if your anything like'll en up buyin things that was just a load off shite. everyones differnt so just cause something works on them doesnnt mean its going to on.over time you'll find out what does and doenst and another takes time to get the way u want so if after a feww weeks or a month or 2. u might think notings happenin..keep stickin in and mayb try different thing or see a personl trainer for a program and get ya started...

sorry for the spellin a hurry to go out lol

forgot to say on days off sports u need to up your calorie intake cause you'll need energy for runnin and that ..then after it that is when its best to take a protein shake and mayb banana.
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cheers mate, yeah i know a lot of guys on here are into cooking, i was looking for someone to suggest simple meals to have that are easy to make, coz i think if i eat the same thing day in day out id get sick and give in. guna go to the gym tomorrow and get a plan sorted, so really its just the diet
once u nail the diet you'll b laughin.but u gotta do the gym aswell off course..i fell out it all the time cause get fed up eatin good all the time and i got injured from football so wasnt doin cardio bt thast me back now so going try and get back in it
yeah, im guna stick to the diet like, and cut down loads on drink, not that i drink too much anyways. Just wana tone and build muscle, i was wondering if there was ne sites online where i can get meal plans etc
cheers mate guna have a read up now. Also guna buy a george foreman tomorrow to cook meats as ive read thats good as it gets rid of most of the far in the meat. im not looking at becoming muscle bound, but i think if i get into itl b very beneficial,, and with the gym being at uni itl help me to attend more lol
Beer i think is the major contributer to wheight for me and probably you too m8 i know that as i sit and drink a can of beer i dont once think hang on this stuff is pumped full of sugar.

I just finish it off and grab another. A good way of looking at it is not that your going on a diet, but that you are changing it.

swap snack foods like choccy and crips for apples,bannanas etc.

Also quantities eat less of things if you can also if you suffer from snack attacks drink lots and lots of bottled or filtered water does wonders at filling you up.
thats what they say most people think there hungry and will eat when in fact they might have just been thirsty
like they said alread its not a diet m8 its changing you whole eating habbits . i struggle with this . the gym part is easy i enjoy that its the food . i love it . so i have had to change my eating habbits , more fruit more veg less red meat lots more tun. bicky's sob .
bollocks to paying £50 snots for Gym , all u need do is step exercises- step up and down on the stairs, on you back hands by side raise and lower legs 6" of ground slowly (doesn't alf sort your stomach out), situps with someone holding your ankles as you sit up ,then the next step is lie on floor bring knee's upto chest with feet flat on floor arms across chest and do situps that way.Press ups bending arms and not cheating, speed walking and jogging,next stand up straight keep legs straight and bend down touching floor with palms of hands.

Then numerous things you can do without spending wedge that would pay for beer.
Did you know that cans of chickpeas are dirt cheap and full of protein?

There are loads of body resistance exercises here : SIX PACK ABS WORKOUT PROGRAM and also contains loads of other tips about what to eat, etc... Even thoughit says six pack abs workout, it is a full body 14 week workout plan - the first list on there is a set of challenges.
Just remember that if you jump in headfirst and make drastic changes to your diet you will soon get fed up of it and revent back to what you were eating / drinking before.
I think that it's better to make small changes, they all add up, i.e. no sugar in your tea/coffee, eat more fresh veg, cut down on the take away food (but still allow yourself a treat now and again). Keep in mind that most fruit has quite a high sugar content when you are planning healthy snacks.
pity there wasnt a thread here cause this could have been a sticky

Without treading on anyones toes or upsetting anyone, I think there has been enough evidence over the last few days to warrent this section!