English language across europe


Inactive User
Dec 18, 2005
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I'm deciding whether or not to take the plunge on a motorised dish... Let's say I had access to every channel across The European spectrum... Am I going to get anything in English? Films? Sport? Anything?
A lot of films have the option of switching to english soundtrack, Like Sky Germany or Canal Plus for example on 19.2E.
The French HD channels at 5W have English soundtracks. Also, some foreign channels such as M1 Hungry on 9E have some programming (mainly news) in English.
There are also various channels on 7e/9e/10e/15w using a Technomate which is patched using the soft cam and biss codes.


What's the difference between biss keys and card sharing? So if you had a card share line for all the euro sats do you still need biss keys?
There are some free movie/sports channels also on 26e (dubai, MBC + sports), 42e, and some with keys - MGM on 9e, BBC on 27w too.