English Defence League

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some people are still in a delusion that we are not at war with islam/islamisation. that we, not only in this country but accross europe and the west have had a jihad litterally,politically and culturaly thrust upon us. dont belive me?

to me this is something i feel very strongly about, and if you had half a brain it should concern you. we are under attack and the ONLY voice to say anything about

sharia law
halal meat
child sex abuse
hate speeches

concerning muslims is the english defence league, why on earth would it attract over 25000 people in 1 year of exeistance?

just as we have troops on the ground in afghanstan fighting the global jihad we need troops so to speak on the streets here fighting the stealth jihad and the english defence league is a counter reaction to that stealth jihad

im affraid islam has been exposed for what it realy is, and the old line of a relgion of peace has been blow clean out of the water and whatever moderate muslims that are left are insignificant and unable to affect the dirrection the relgion of peace has taken.

agree with them or not they are the only ones making a stand
some people are still in a delusion that we are not at war with islam/islamisation. that we, not only in this country but accross europe and the west have had a jihad litterally,politically and culturaly thrust upon us. dont belive me?

to me this is something i feel very strongly about, and if you had half a brain it should concern you. we are under attack and the ONLY voice to say anything about

sharia law
halal meat
child sex abuse
hate speeches

concerning muslims is the english defence league, why on earth would it attract over 25000 people in 1 year of exeistance?

just as we have troops on the ground in afghanstan fighting the global jihad we need troops so to speak on the streets here fighting the stealth jihad and the english defence league is a counter reaction to that stealth jihad

im affraid islam has been exposed for what it realy is, and the old line of a relgion of peace has been blow clean out of the water and whatever moderate muslims that are left are insignificant and unable to affect the dirrection the relgion of peace has taken.

agree with them or not they are the only ones making a stand

Ehh? Peace is peace no matter what the religion or colour or creed mate! AND I HAVE MORE THAN HALF A BRAIN
You say nothing about the people who burn english flags and shout vile abuse when soldiers come home to be buried, surely they are worthy of your comments, instead of english d#ckheads , why not just say all extremist tw@ts as thats what they all are.

could say the same for radical muslims .calling dead troops murder's and placards saying.kill the rest of the troops wtf ..so in my eye's there all as bad as each other !!!!

i agree m8, they are as bad as each other, however the idiots protesting against the troops are a minority of 100-150 and thats the maximum... you dont see 2000 of them lining up the streets... you & i both know it...

what these radicals are doing is completely wrong, no doubt.. but what they dont do is go around every major city and town, holding demo's/marches & looking for a fight and act like a bunch of morons.. the edl have approx 2000 hooligans at every march/demo & vast majority are pissed up and go looking for trouble. the facebook group has 25,000+ members... the comments on there are shocking... the group is growing not to hate radical islam, but to hate islam as a whole... members of the edl can deny it all day long but that is exactly what it is...

if it wasnt for the edl marches/demo's, the uaf wouldnt turn and we wouldnt have some of these racials tensions re-surfacing in towns & cities. the troops have done nothing wrong, if we at war with bulgaria/chile then they would have been sent there so its not there fault... both the edl & radicals should get together (lol wishful thinking) and protest against the labour regime for going to war and put pressure on cameron to bring the troops back....

anyway ive made my points and not go say futher on this matter... if ive offended anyone it wasnt my intention... :)
i agree m8, they are as bad as each other, however the idiots protesting against the troops are a minority of 100-150 and thats the maximum... you dont see 2000 of them lining up the streets...
dont want to turn this in to anythink other than the main post ..
but av never heard of 2000 ppl marching ,do they have that many member's lol.without police presence and could never see the police agreeing to that ..but i might be proven wrong ........
dont want to turn this in to anythink other than the main post ..
but av never heard of 2000 ppl marching ,do they have that many member's lol.without police presence and could never see the police agreeing to that ..but i might be proven wrong ........

we talkin bout the edl here right...? yes.. believe me when i say 2000... at the recent demo in bradford the they hope for their biggest turnout and were hoping 5-6k would turn up but only a maximum of upto 1500 turned up...
Where are you all going with this lot, extremism is wrong in all formats.
The reason being it is the minority view, in most cases, that is spoken of, is spoken by
the minorities.

What i as an Englishman object to is being patronised by people who only
want to complain about what they feel are minority subjects.
Being English is not a minority subject to me, even if it is to extremists.

The idea the BNP and the EDF or EDL are t***s or c***s is insulting,they too have a right to speak out
but if we speak anywhere as loud as ethnic minorities do now in our country we are rascist and are told
to be quite by our own MP's and dogooders.
(Oh and by the way i am not a member of the above parties.)
Just because we want a country that is english in itself and a thing to be proud of.
Instead of being told all the while, what we can, and cannot, say in our own country
without fear of reprimand or arrest.
But allow every other nationality or ethnic group as you say, to be allowed to tell us, to
be more tolerent of them.
We as a nation did not ask peoples of Europe what there beliefs where before fighting
two world wars in the last century, as well as now in Iraq and Afganistan.
We are trying to help all we can to please , to give them a peaceful and safe country to live in. But that seems to be wrong to a minority of people who protest.
Then again the majority of people who don't object always seem to be people who do have a happy peaceful life and dont want to cause any anomosity.
So in keeping quiet makes it seem that we english (And the rest of the UK)
Dont care but if things carry on as things are things will only get worse in England and the UK .

Then there will be considerably more than 25000 members of this english way of life than the so called EDF!!! EDL!!! BNP!!!

I've ranted enough for now but please do think before you leap next time.
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wot was police doing to let this go on ????? they must of known it would cause a kick off .

they always hold these marches/demo with police presence but even then with so many it does kick off... i dont know how well ur clued up on the edl m8 but if you google it u can see for urself..
i agree m8, they are as bad as each other, however the idiots protesting against the troops are a minority of 100-150 and thats the maximum... you dont see 2000 of them lining up the streets... you & i both know it...

ok you dont have 2000 radicals turning up to troop home comings but 150 who turn up,what they stand, there sentiments is felt by the wider muslim comunity. no doubt, confirmed with the goverments report a few weeks ago between radiacl and moderate muslim groups sharing the same views only different tactics, them 150 are just part of a much bigger picture. thats why they march, part of a long well estabished duty in this country

what these radicals are doing is completely wrong, no doubt.. but what they dont do is go around every major city and town, holding demo's/marches & looking for a fight and act like a bunch of morons.. the edl have approx 2000 hooligans at every march/demo & vast majority are pissed up and go looking for trouble. the facebook group has 25,000+ members... the comments on there are shocking... the group is growing not to hate radical islam, but to hate islam as a whole... members of the edl can deny it all day long but that is exactly what it is...

we dont want to hear 'what these radicals are doing is completely wrong BUT' cause that exactly why we are in this mess, and im sorry but with a grass roots movment you will get grass root people meaning the average joe, not everyone is a hooligan just as people tell me not all muslims are terrorists. and the fact it seems against islam as a whole is that tearing moderate islam and radical islam is near impossable, 1 and the same. as i have said moderate muslims are insignificant because thay are not in the driving seat

if it wasnt for the edl marches/demo's, the uaf wouldnt turn and we wouldnt have some of these racials tensions re-surfacing in towns & cities. the troops have done nothing wrong, if we at war with bulgaria/chile then they would have been sent there so its not there fault... both the edl & radicals should get together (lol wishful thinking) and protest against the labour regime for going to war and put pressure on cameron to bring the troops back....

anyway ive made my points and not go say futher on this matter... if ive offended anyone it wasnt my intention... :)

well what are the edl suposed to do ask uaf permission to march, no one listens so people want a voice and edl are becoming more attracive to people day by day. for me its not a national,patriotic,racist or intollerat thing, i see a clear and present danger that has already got a foot hold in this country, allowed and even encouraged by the govermnet and without us even knowing it.

like the other day, the uks first state sanctioned sharia court. along with halal meat in schools and state funded poligamy. so i agree lets string liabour up and chop there balls off for allowing this but there is also 2 sides to every story.

no other minority comunity can or has caused so much hassel, the mask has slipped from islam and people see the truth of the religion of peace. it teaches peace and cohession to the kuffar and something else to its followers and with age of the internet its for all to see. why else would a relgion need a pr boost? remember the london bus adverts
i agree m8, they are as bad as each other, however the idiots protesting against the troops are a minority of 100-150 and thats the maximum... you dont see 2000 of them lining up the streets... you & i both know it...

what these radicals are doing is completely wrong, no doubt.. but what they dont do is go around every major city and town, holding demo's/marches & looking for a fight and act like a bunch of morons.. the edl have approx 2000 hooligans at every march/demo & vast majority are pissed up and go looking for trouble. the facebook group has 25,000+ members... the comments on there are shocking... the group is growing not to hate radical islam, but to hate islam as a whole... members of the edl can deny it all day long but that is exactly what it is...

if it wasnt for the edl marches/demo's, the uaf wouldnt turn and we wouldnt have some of these racials tensions re-surfacing in towns & cities. the troops have done nothing wrong, if we at war with bulgaria/chile then they would have been sent there so its not there fault... both the edl & radicals should get together (lol wishful thinking) and protest against the labour regime for going to war and put pressure on cameron to bring the troops back....

anyway ive made my points and not go say futher on this matter... if ive offended anyone it wasnt my intention... :)
WHY don't you say to the radical islamists protesting in this country ,
if they care so much about freedom in there own countries, go with the british troops and help by protesting for peace and goodwill back home
when they come to the UK they say they are not safe living there
and want to live here ,WHY because the UK is generally a very peaceful
place to be. Well we are trying to make there countries as safe as it is here.

So join in and help, it is there islamist homelands, as England is mine
and if i have to i will fight to keep it peaceful to the death.
I may not be a member but i fully agree wlth a lot of what they are saying.
I do support the English Defence League

Show your support too for the English Defence League
I may not be a member but i fully agree wlth a lot of what they are saying.
I do support the English Defence League

Show your support too for the English Defence League

join up m8, dont belive all they hype in the media that we are a right wing racist mob. you will find people of all colour and creed over there all with the same concerns and with alot of info on what we are up against not only with radical islam but also the left wing appeasrs and general public who have been brainwashed
join up m8, dont belive all they hype in the media that we are a right wing racist mob. you will find people of all colour and creed over there all with the same concerns and with alot of info on what we are up against not only with radical islam but also the left wing appeasrs and general public who have been brainwashed

ur against islam as a whole so dont beat around the bush ad b*llshit about it.... the edl are a right-wing, racist, facist mob of nazi hooligans... i've been on the edl forum and i've read the stuff on there so tell me ur not this and not that!

also u need to study islam in depth before making any judgements... not listen to on the edl forum and not pick and choose what u want to believe. islam is a peaceful and tolerant religion... have u read the quran? or have u just picked out quotes that ur cronies have been dishing on the edl forum?? and suggesting that its impossible to tell apart between radical and moderate islam shows ur lack of knowledge and ignorance.

as regards to sharia law, i'd be more than happy to have it implemented in our justice system or whatever its called. it would make it a safer britain for us, our children to live in if the punishment we dished our were harsher... we hear bout stabbings/killings/gang violence everyweek.. our justice system is a load of bollocks and that aspect of sharia law in my eyes is most welcome...

as for halal meat, muslims pay taxes as well so why shouldnt they ask for halal meat in public schools? why should muslim kids go hungry? they're not asking for CofE schools to serve halal meat....

child sex abuse - ur telling me that white people are not abusing young children? dont be daft now... all communities etc having sickos so to suggest that only certain types of people are doing it is just ridiculous!

hate speeches - havent u heard one of own leaders making a speech at one of ur demo/marches? full of vile hatred and digusting language! u take ur kids to these marches/demo and they listen to this c*ap!, no wonder this country is going to the doldrums!

racism - lol yeh the edl really talk on this subject!

incest/poligamy - its wrong but how the hell is it affecting the rest of britain? how is it affecting u personally?
ur against islam as a whole so dont beat around the bush ad b*llshit about it.... the edl are a right-wing, racist, facist mob of nazi hooligans... i've been on the edl forum and i've read the stuff on there so tell me ur not this and not that!

ive said radical islam and moderate islam are very hard to tell apart for muslims never mind us kuffar. and as most muslims will tell you there is only 1 islam

also u need to study islam in depth before making any judgements... not listen to on the edl forum and not pick and choose what u want to believe. islam is a peaceful and tolerant religion... have u read the quran? or have u just picked out quotes that ur cronies have been dishing on the edl forum?? and suggesting that its impossible to tell apart between radical and moderate islam shows ur lack of knowledge and ignorance.

no no my friend i have well half of it, very very reptertive and contradicts its self all the time. but reading the quran isnt complete you need to read the hadith (the words and deeds of mohamed) and sunnah's (the way mohamed lived his life, or how muslims should live) which may i add show be banned upder the relgious hatred act along with the quran. the hadith is perticually unplessent

as regards to sharia law, i'd be more than happy to have it implemented in our justice system or whatever its called. it would make it a safer britain for us, our children to live in if the punishment we dished our were harsher... we hear bout stabbings/killings/gang violence everyweek.. our justice system is a load of bollocks and that aspect of sharia law in my eyes is most welcome....

so you are up for stonings and amputations? and all the other nasty stuff like women getting stoned for adultry while men walgk free, or that a woman is only woth 1/3 of a man? its all or nothing you cant pick and choose

as for halal meat, muslims pay taxes as well so why shouldnt they ask for halal meat in public schools? why should muslim kids go hungry? they're not asking for CofE schools to serve halal meat....

halal meat im not to bothered about apart from the fact its forced on non muslim kids at schools

child sex abuse - ur telling me that white people are not abusing young children? dont be daft now... all communities etc having sickos so to suggest that only certain types of people are doing it is just ridiculous!

yes all comunitys have pedo problem but it seems culturly enforecd within the muslim community. remember aisha mohammeds 6-7 yo bride and how muslims shoould ive their life as mohammed did? unfortunatly its rapment in places like birmingham, burnly.

hate speeches - havent u heard one of own leaders making a speech at one of ur demo/marches? full of vile hatred and digusting language! u take ur kids to these marches/demo and they listen to this c*ap!, no wonder this country is going to the doldrums!

racism - lol yeh the edl really talk on this subject!

incest/poligamy - its wrong but how the hell is it affecting the rest of britain? how is it affecting u personally?

incest and poligamy are costing us millions if not billions every year, either NHS or extra payments for extra wives, it affects everyone. did you not watch channel 4's documentry the other night 'when cousins marry'?

kids listening to EDL vs kid being taught the quran? which 1 will grow up radicalized? come on
ive said radical islam and moderate islam are very hard to tell apart for muslims never mind us kuffar. and as most muslims will tell you there is only 1 islam

no no my friend i have well half of it, very very reptertive and contradicts its self all the time. but reading the quran isnt complete you need to read the hadith (the words and deeds of mohamed) and sunnah's (the way mohamed lived his life, or how muslims should live) which may i add show be banned upder the relgious hatred act along with the quran. the hadith is perticually unplessent

so you are up for stonings and amputations? and all the other nasty stuff like women getting stoned for adultry while men walgk free, or that a woman is only woth 1/3 of a man? its all or nothing you cant pick and choose

halal meat im not to bothered about apart from the fact its forced on non muslim kids at schools

yes all comunitys have pedo problem but it seems culturly enforecd within the muslim community. remember aisha mohammeds 6-7 yo bride and how muslims shoould ive their life as mohammed did? unfortunatly its rapment in places like birmingham, burnly.

incest and poligamy are costing us millions if not billions every year, either NHS or extra payments for extra wives, it affects everyone. did you not watch channel 4's documentry the other night 'when cousins marry'?

kids listening to EDL vs kid being taught the quran? which 1 will grow up radicalized? come on

So what do you suggest mate. Its easy to poke fault and by the way I'm Engllish, white, and proud of it, but not proud of the fact we look down on the "lesser" people

@nav respect man!
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ive said radical islam and moderate islam are very hard to tell apart for muslims never mind us kuffar. and as most muslims will tell you there is only 1 islam

no no my friend i have well half of it, very very reptertive and contradicts its self all the time. but reading the quran isnt complete you need to read the hadith (the words and deeds of mohamed) and sunnah's (the way mohamed lived his life, or how muslims should live) which may i add show be banned upder the relgious hatred act along with the quran. the hadith is perticually unplessent

so you are up for stonings and amputations? and all the other nasty stuff like women getting stoned for adultry while men walgk free, or that a woman is only woth 1/3 of a man? its all or nothing you cant pick and choose

halal meat im not to bothered about apart from the fact its forced on non muslim kids at schools

yes all comunitys have pedo problem but it seems culturly enforecd within the muslim community. remember aisha mohammeds 6-7 yo bride and how muslims shoould ive their life as mohammed did? unfortunatly its rapment in places like birmingham, burnly.

incest and poligamy are costing us millions if not billions every year, either NHS or extra payments for extra wives, it affects everyone. did you not watch channel 4's documentry the other night 'when cousins marry'?

kids listening to EDL vs kid being taught the quran? which 1 will grow up radicalized? come on

eon, totally agree with you there on those comments.
So what do you suggest mate. Its easy to poke fault and by the way I'm Engllish, white, and proud of it, but not proud of the fact we look down on the "lesser" people

@nav respect man!

its got nothing to do with "lesser" people, infact that comment initself is inflamatory. race and creed has nothing to do with this its all about being straight up with the facts and trying to live as 1 country. not 2, the muslim way of life and all the special benifits that brings and the kuffar way of life.

we are at that point already. there is ZERO comunity cohession between muslims and kuffar. am i wrong to want something different? i dont want to be in 20 years time in a country that resembles that gaza strip.

from muslims pulling there kids out of school because the state is forced to ensure a multicultural socity with differnt faith centre visits, to muslim only swimming days. it is a self imposed segrigation

but ask yourself why do they do this??? and the answer becomes all to apparent

these convo's can get a bit tit for tat but i wont have people telling me black is white when i know different.
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