English Defence League

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wtf, I thought this was the most tolerant nation, seems I was wrong, why do brits hate skin colour so much and before anybody comments, I'm a large paleface with a lot of tolerance and understanding!
wtf, I thought this was the most tolerant nation, seems I was wrong, why do brits hate skin colour so much and before anybody comments, I'm a large paleface with a lot of tolerance and understanding!

See this is where people go wrong.. its the goverment which makes people believe we are tolorant.. There should of been a debate/refurendum on multiculturism.. because it wouldnt of been allowed if the public had anything to do with it..

It was forced upon not welcomed.
See this is where people go wrong.. its the goverment which makes people believe we are tolorant.. There should of been a debate/refurendum on multiculturism.. because it wouldnt of been allowed if the public had anything to do with it..

It was forced upon not welcomed.

I welcomed it, it gave me the best friend a man could wish for, I'm very, very proud to be bi-cultural
wtf, I thought this was the most tolerant nation, seems I was wrong, why do brits hate skin colour so much and before anybody comments, I'm a large paleface with a lot of tolerance and understanding!

ive not mentioned anything about skin colour?
like ive allways said on here i dont care if ya white/black/brown/yellow/green or with spots.
i treat ya fairly but if ya treat me bad or say things bad i will double in back right at them.

i live in this country so there for abide by the laws and would expect other ppl to do the same here or in another country, if dont like the get out.

i dont want hassle man im only here for a short time...then im dead full stop.

this country is too tolerant, it needs too tuffin up and not get walked over by foreniers
white/black/brown etc all foreniers .
I welcomed it, it gave me the best friend a man could wish for, I'm very, very proud to be bi-cultural

Same here mate, just making a point..lol

I just detest religion..

And if your bi-sexual, im happy with that ;)
this a free country i and you can do anything we like ie
hold marches/meetings sing/chant songs etc
i have seen nothing that the EDL have done that any other groups has not done,
ive seen worse..ie burning the union jack sayin they are going to kill/bomb england rape women and kids and they live in this country...i mean wtf.

we need a group/org to surrport/voice for us brits cos no one else will.
if it werent EDL it will be someone else.

and may i add im a forenier in this country.

The only voice you need Joe is the voice of the British public, the Gov is elected by the public. The problem is that too many people are dissillusioned and dont vote cos they say they are all the same and wont do anything...they other side know this and do vote and there lies the problem.

Just look at my country, they bombed, shot and butchered each other until they realised that it was going nowhere and turned to the ballot box. It's not perfect by any strecth but a hell of a lot better and this was done by the public voicing their opinion at the polls.

Muslim extremists are a very small minority but some groups want to spook people into thinking all muslims are terrorists, the EDL were apparently shouting abuse at any muslims, did they see any muslims with bombs strapped to their chest...no but they shouted the abuse anyway, so they were tarring them all with the same brush.

Dont get me wrong...in the video it looked like some muslim youths with scarfs etc around their necks were ready to pull them up to cover their face...why, cos they were prepared to have a fight aswell.

Its called hatred no matter what why you look at it and it comes from all sides.

Like it or not....we all have to live together and everyone has their say in how we live at the ballot box, if people dont use that option then it will remain the same old shite.

I dont need any group to voice my opinion, I do it with a big X on my ballot paper.
ive not mentioned anything about skin colour?
like ive allways said on here i dont care if ya white/black/brown/yellow/green or with spots.
i treat ya fairly but if ya treat me bad or say things bad i will double in back right at them.

i live in this country so there for abide by the laws and would expect other ppl to do the same here or in another country, if dont like the get out.

i dont want hassle man im only here for a short time...then im dead full stop.

this country is too tolerant, it needs too tuffin up and not get walked over by foreniers
white/black/brown etc all foreniers .

I must apologise if I came across the wrong way NJ, I'm still a bit touchy, I lost my best mate just over 2 years ago and his skin colour was different to mine but you couldn't have met a nicer bloke, this country is shyte now, we are too bothered with 'appearing' to agree just for peace, I think the brothers and sisters agree with me here that you gotta have pride in your country, why do we slag our nation off so much?
this a free country i and you can do anything we like ie
hold marches/meetings sing/chant songs etc
i have seen nothing that the EDL have done that any other groups has not done,
ive seen worse..ie burning the union jack sayin they are going to kill/bomb england rape women and kids and they live in this country...i mean wtf.

we need a group/org to surrport/voice for us brits cos no one else will.
if it werent EDL it will be someone else.

and may i add im a forenier in this country.

Am i the only one who sees the irony? I don't mean to be rude mate, but first of all, you're a foreigner and it's evident through the way you spell, yet you need a group for "us brits"? I seriously don't understand :Fish:
Am i the only one who sees the irony? I don't mean to be rude mate, but first of all, you're a foreigner and it's evident through the way you spell, yet you need a group for "us brits"? I seriously don't understand :Fish:

I think Joe meant he feels like a foreigner.
Same here mate, just making a point..lol

I just detest religion..

And if your bi-sexual, im happy with that ;)

Ha ha ha, the missus is p@ssing herself laughing now, if its one thing I'm not its a batter for the other team, not that I frown on that, different strokes and all that, I prefer mine to stink of cod :proud:
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Am i the only one who sees the irony? I don't mean to be rude mate, but first of all, you're a foreigner and it's evident through the way you spell, yet you need a group for "us brits"? I seriously don't understand :Fish:

i was born in malta which had been british for many yrs but is not any more.
but still have a big influince on malta and its people.

ive lived here most of my life and abide the laws etc
i say im british/maltese so i count myself british and (a diego at the same time lol) joke.
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