Ebay Help Please


VIP Member
VIP Member
Aug 24, 2003
Reaction score
I recently bid on a DVD box Set on Ebay. I paid him straight away on a Buy It Now basis. However after sending a few emails to the guy, I don't think he is going to send it.

1st he said he posted it on Tuesday 30th Sept, now he says he posted it on Tuesday 5th October.

I have asked for a Proof of Posting 3 time just to be ignored, so I sent him an angry email saying how pi55ed off I was getting and he sent me an arsy one back.

What do you do in this case, who do you contact?

If anyone has any tricks or nasty malicious things I can do to his ebay account let me know.
Where do I report it. email addy?

I looked on ebay but couldn't find anything, oh and yes Paul I used Paypal.

Thanks for the quick response m8.
Ear You Will See On The Left Hand Side In The My Ebay Bit Report Disputes
Found it m8. I registered a complaint with Square Trade, and the next day the goods arrived. Seems a bit dodgy though both arrived in Play.com jiffy bags. Didn't even bother to write my full name on the address just Craig ???

Least I got 'em.
That was lucky m8,glad u got it in the end :)
By the looks of thing I think he advertises DVD's he doesn't actually have. Hu must buy them from Play.com and then re sell them on. This must be why it take so long. If I knew this I would of brought them direct from them it was about £10 cheaper.
LMAO i never thought of that PMSL..

Sell on ebay.. when someone orders.. order it off play.com.... that is such a good con lmao..

glad you sorted it....

***off to put things on ebay and order off play***
its used all the time by people selling ebuyer special offers as soon as ebuyer offers are on they g o on ebay