Now that the hardware limits on my TM 2600 motor have been 'removed', I'm now able to swing my dish around to 57e and beyond.
I'd been wanting for some time to receive Duhok TV on NSS 12 at 57 east but I hadn't realised just how hard a catch it was going to be. This is presumably because it's located on a DVBS2/MPEG4 transponder with parameters of 111.88V, 1.774 on the Middle Eastern beam.
However, at times, I've been able to get it to temporarily lock at just 32% signal quality. This morning, I've been getting up to 48% with a bit of nudging but before I can take a pic it drops quickly down to something like 42%.
I'd been wanting for some time to receive Duhok TV on NSS 12 at 57 east but I hadn't realised just how hard a catch it was going to be. This is presumably because it's located on a DVBS2/MPEG4 transponder with parameters of 111.88V, 1.774 on the Middle Eastern beam.
However, at times, I've been able to get it to temporarily lock at just 32% signal quality. This morning, I've been getting up to 48% with a bit of nudging but before I can take a pic it drops quickly down to something like 42%.
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