drink - it's nothing but trouble - I'm having a break

yeah thanks a lot guys.

I've managed to put away nearly £200 since the start of the month and thats a lot init...amazing how much you can save, all i've been doing is putting the odd £20.00 away when i know i would have been out and about pishing it up the wall.

So yeah thanks for all the advice.

I actually have lost half a stone as well, started training again, running the odd 3 miles 3 times a week and started on the bike.

Feeling quite good actually about it all.

Thanks probably to most of you all on here....summit to keep me going.

Nice one mate, glad to hear its going so well. Careful though with that exercise bug, that can be just as addictive, you won't be able to stop now you have started to see the changes and benefits! All I need to do is get started and I will be as enthusiastic as you about exercise! lol
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well done dibbers m8 :)
money in ya pocket and healthier too ;) cant be bad,keep it up m8 :thumbsup:
well done mate, i know how hard it must be! i used to drink loads aswell, go out, get drunk and end up scrapping, realised its for dicks and stopped going out. now i just drink now and again in the house, miss going out sometimes but these days the wrong word to someone can end up with you with a glass stuck in your face..or worse, and its just not worth it...especially with a face like mine :angelwing
I'll edit the 1st reply.........

Well done mate,keep it going.

In the words of Adam Ant though....."Don't drink,don't smoke.....what do you do?"
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Thanks Daz...... i seen your 1st reply

:end: pleasssseeee!

You can unsubscribe from this thread you know, next time you get a mail there will be an unsubscribe link it, click it and then you'll never know this thread has a new post.....so it won't bother you like it has been.......but hey thanks for the support guys.

Maybe this thread will go on for years and years until i'm freeeeee....lololol
Trying to score points now are we by Mr Brown-Nose?

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE give me the unsubscribe link!

No-one is really interested anymore,thats why there hasn't been a post for 2 days. Its only my posts thats keeping it alive so maybe you should thank me!
what a n00b.....glad you've been banned, well done Admin....what a tool
What a pain! Some people just won't take a warning will they? Keep it up Dibbers, theres several of us rooting for ya!
trust me i know what i'm talking about i read it on google:Cheers:

Haha most amusing, it seems google is now a source of reliable information

Unfortunately tomorrow is my last exam, for the time being anyway, so as soon as my litigation exam is out the way (12.30) Brick Lane here we come.

I figure I should drink hard now as I won't have time when I've a job
i know some of you would of been dying for an update to this thread, so i thought i'd let you know.

Lost 3 stone....amazing !

down to 11 stone now from 14 stone 3 pounds....feeling good, looking better and don't have to crouch to get my jeans fastened....lololol

can't even handle a few glasses of wine now with out feeling fooked..

i know some of you would of been dying for an update to this thread, so i thought i'd let you know.

Lost 3 stone....amazing !

down to 11 stone now from 14 stone 3 pounds....feeling good, looking better and don't have to crouch to get my jeans fastened....lololol

can't even handle a few glasses of wine now with out feeling fooked..


Well done mate

I could do with losing a few stone before our summer holiday
Great stuff m8 i'm chuffed for you,
Keep up the good work.:Clap:
Nice one dibbers, glad to hear its working for you.
nicely done
I'm on an SSRI so 1 pint fucks with my head now

I've had nothing but trouble with the stuff, gotten into fights (which I always lose since I'm 5'7" and 8 stone 9 :Laugh:) to falling off a building and permanently damaging my left elbow.

I think no more than 3 pints for the average person is enough. It ain't worth the hangover for me (not unless you have a mass of opiates to "aide" in recovery :Cheers:)
Sorry to dig up an old post but I'm wondering if Dibbers is still off the drink.

Well Dibbs, are you completely booze free these days?

I'm thinking of coming off it myself, if I could hold onto the cash instead of pissing it away I'd be able to afford that Dreambox 8000 in no time.
I'm thinking of coming off it myself, if I could hold onto the cash instead of pissing it away I'd be able to afford that Dreambox 8000 in no time.

but we'd lose some of your more.......er......'entertaining' posting.:(