drink - it's nothing but trouble - I'm having a break

Thanks man, and well done to your self as well. sorry to hear about your brother, and with him being drunk and not remembering that must be a complete head fook for all involved....

I can relate to it, one of my mates was stabbed to death in the street we lived on, as he was drunk, and got involved in a fight..... one night when i dropped another one of my friends of he ended up stabbing someone and killed them with a piece of wooden fence, he's now serving time for life.

i have another friend who's dad set upon him one night and the argument got out of control and his dad ended up hitting him with a hammer...and of course you don't come of to well after being hit with a hammer...god rest his soul.

family life has always suffered as alcohol had been a massive contributer to arguments within the family all the time...my brother's just been found dead and thats all to an alcohol related life of heavy drinking, were not sure yet as we are still waiting to hear from the coroner on what has happened, but he'd lost a lot all his precious things in life due to drink.

Yeah these are all true stories and they might seem a bit harsh but it's the truth and reality of what drink can do to people's lives.

I can see it happening in the circle of friends and not so friends of the people that i hang around with, no such thing as a few drinks, always got to be the " lets get plastered " and then the arguments start, the bad mouthing and language starts, people start making the atmosphere into thick pea soup and a few start sitting like waiting to explode.....

i just want a few years to see what it's like of not drinking, not getting pissed and most of all having a few laughs with chilled out folk.

i could make a list the length of my arm with incidents that have occurred after we've been drunk, please don't get me wrong, i liked it, but sitting with people either it be in a bar or at some one's home and then getting into blazing arguments is just not for me any more.

i guess there will be nothing wrong with the odd glass of wine now and then, but we'll see, really don't feel even like that or I'd start on the drink again.

don't mean this thread to be all morbid and that and it's good to talk so thats what I'm doing....lol

where's my orange squash......
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stopped 2 years ago,havent touched a drop since-dont regret it in the slightest

wake up every day with a clear head ,settled stomach nah i wont be touching it again

i must admit my cherry coke consumption and my coffee consumption have gone thru the roof but still spending less than i was on ale

and i dont have to smoke cheap tabs now can afford a decent smoke

good luck dibbers you will feel much better for it
I gave up driking at the new year and I did not miss the drink, but last night I went to the pub for a mates birthday party I had 5 pints of cider I was a bit merry but today I have a hell of a hangover so its time to give up again and the price of a pint in the pub was 2.80 so at that price I give up again.
Thanks guys for all your support, this is my 1st weekend with out a drop....so far so good, i know i have a long way to go....but it's a start and with friends on boards like you guys it all seems a lot easeir.....:Clap:
I hope we are not gonna be getting weekly updates cos its getting boring now!

Giving up drink,blah,blah...blah,blah..........blah,blah! Yes you've had problems,so has most other people.....blah..blah......week 42.....blah blah....I went for a piss tonight...blah blah...without a drop!!!!

Bit harsh m8.....

This is just one of the many sides to DW. The guy is obviously looking for a bit of support... if it makes him feel better by posting on his progress then let him post!!

hats off to dibbers for sharing his problems with the rest of us......

we all need an escape sometimes.... if DW is dibbers escape, then so be it!!!!

just my thoughts

I hope we are not gonna be getting weekly updates cos its getting boring now!

Giving up drink,blah,blah...blah,blah..........blah,blah! Yes you've had problems,so has most other people.....blah..blah......week 42.....blah blah....I went for a piss tonight...blah blah...without a drop!!!!

Thanks for the support man and have a nice day too.. I'm not getting into a flaming war with you as thats not what I'm about, (and it's certanly not what we want on DW) I'm sharing what I'm feeling with my friends here on DW......if you say it's getting boring then why don't you UN SUBSCRIBE from this thread, you don't even have to post in here but you did, why? to start a flame war?

I simply made this post as I've been having a few problems in my life, no I'm not after sympathy from any one but some times it's good to talk to friends either that be in real life or on the net.....i know everyone has there problems and i never disputed it....so why make comments on a thread that has no interest to you...???

i just found a post by you mate


going on about how some one had died and that? what was you posting that for mate? why did we need to know? blah blah blah

So have a really nice day and i hope i can help you around the board my friend...

good day.
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Thanks for the support man and have a nice day too.. I'm not getting into a flaming war with you as thats not what I'm about, (and it's certanly not what we want on DW) I'm sharing what I'm feeling with my friends here on DW......if you say it's getting boring then why don't you UN SUBSCRIBE from this thread, you don't even have to post in here but you did, why? to start a flame war?

I simply made this post as I've been having a few problems in my life, no I'm not after sympathy from any one but some times it's good to talk to friends either that be in real life or on the net.....i know everyone has there problems and i never disputed it....so why make comments on a thread that has no interest to you...???

i just found a post by you mate


going on about how some one had died and that? what was you posting that for mate? why did we need to know? blah blah blah

So have a really nice day and i hope i can help you around the board my friend...

good day.

I wasn't trying to start a flaming war just stating that it was getting a bit boring. I appreciate that you seem to be having some problems in your life but let me ask you this...are you an alcoholic? Someone who has only been off the 'sauce' for a week but seems to need the help and support of others is a textbook case.....as will be the denial!!

And just for the record,I never really personally insulted you but you thought it was fun to have a laugh and a joke about the death of a 7mnth old baby in your later comments....
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no........i thought it was strange that you can post a thread about something that's going on in your life that you had to share with DW yet you mock the thread that i make with blah blah blah going for a piss etc etc.... nothing to do with the death of a baby, simply the thread that YOU needed to share with us....the question was why?

I hope we are not gonna be getting weekly updates cos its getting boring now!

Giving up drink,blah,blah...blah,blah..........blah,blah! Yes you've had problems,so has most other people.....blah..blah......week 42.....blah blah....I went for a piss tonight...blah blah...without a drop!!!!

And just for the record,I never really personally insulted you
I hope we are not gonna be getting weekly updates cos its getting boring now!

Giving up drink,blah,blah...blah,blah..........blah,blah! Yes you've had problems,so has most other people.....blah..blah......week 42.....blah blah....I went for a piss tonight...blah blah...without a drop!!!!

If you don't like people sharing their thoughts and views why don't you fek off ????

Its tits like you on DW which is stopping people from posting in fear of shitty remarks !!!

Your input has no value to the thread apart from your own selfish views. Nobody forced you to read this thread.
If you don't like people sharing their thoughts and views why don't you fek off ????

Its tits like you on DW which is stopping people from posting in fear of shitty remarks !!!

Your input has no value to the thread apart from your own selfish views. Nobody forced you to read this thread.

Well its never stopped you posting has it.
And your input has exactly what value..a personal insult. Sticks and stones mate and people in glass houses springs to mind!
You're right,nobody forced me to read this thread but seeing as I did I'll admit it started to get very boring,much like yourself!
Enough now and resist the urge to post a derogatory remark in reply please!
u have the option not to read the thread if it bores u daz ;)

I think u may lead a boring life yourself ? as I remember u kicking up a stink over the Digitalworldz quiz not so long ago and now this :(

if it don't interest u don't read it,simple as ;)

I hope we are not gonna be getting weekly updates cos its getting boring now!

Giving up drink,blah,blah...blah,blah..........blah,blah! Yes you've had problems,so has most other people.....blah..blah......week 42.....blah blah....I went for a piss tonight...blah blah...without a drop!!!!
u have the option not to read the thread if it bores u daz ;)

I think u may lead a boring life yourself ? as I remember u kicking up a stink over the Digitalworldz quiz not so long ago and now this :(

if it don't interest u don't read it,simple as ;)

What came first...the chicken or the egg?

How would I know if the thread was boring or not UNTIL I read it?

Anyway I'm not getting into an argument. I stated an opinion and if I'm not allowed to do that without being insulted then its pointless having a bloody forum isn't it?
u read it once maybe twice and maybe think to yourself "Oh I can see where this is going gonna be getting weekly updates and it could get boring !... Giving up drink,blah,blah...blah,blah..........blah,blah! Yes you've had problems,so has most other people.....blah..blah......week 42.....blah blah....I went for a piss tonight...blah blah...without a drop!!!!"

don't think Ill bother reading this from now on... simple as that m8 ;)

dibbers obviously feels he has a problem to sort out with his drinking and feels he needs to speak about it

I don't want members to start jumping on u daz and giving u a hard time but maybe think before u hit the Post Reply button coz this is twice now that u have brought it upon yourself,we just want a smooth running forum without all the bickering :)
lets get this thread back on track ;)
Good luck Dibbers mate, I've not touched a drop for years now, me and the missus used go out at weekends and get hammered, but it gradually wore a bit thin, and as you say, often when theres drink flowing, trouble isn't usually far behind.. Life is hard enough, so we both decided it wasn't worth the aggevation, and we still had a few quid in our pockets come Monday morning!

My Sister is a full on alky, and it's been crap watching her as she's been fooking up her home life over the last few years... She's clean now, and attends AA meets etc, which I really hope she can continue with, as the improvment in her, and her family, is great to see.

Good luck buddy.
Good luck Dibbers, if it suits you to not drink for now or for as long as you last, then fair play to you. Fags as well, won't do your health any harm. I have toyed with the idea previously as I seemed to get into conflict - not violence just loss of control of my senses - tongue in particular. I have said some very hurtful things when I've drunk too much. Fortunately I have managed to put things in persepective and can switch off when the red mist threatens to descend these days. Shame about the negative comments posted, I personally think it takes a lot of guts to look to others for some support so you have my full support to post as often as you like mate. If I lose interest after a while, believe me, that will be my problem and probably my loss.

All the best.
Thanks for all your support, it's not that bad actually stopping i thought that it would be really hard but i find that I'm actually doing a lot more things at night time than just sitting and ploughing my way through 8 cans of Stella.

Feel a lot better for it at the moment actually so that's got to be a good thing, how I've managed to kick the ciggys and the drink at the same time is something that i thought I'd never do.

I figured that if i gave up one and not the other then I'd end up over indulging in the one that i didn't give up.

Thanks again for all your support ! :Clap:
I figured that if i gave up one and not the other then I'd end up over indulging in the one that i didn't give up.

Thanks again for all your support ! :Clap:

i can fully relate to that m8 as said previously i now drink so much coke and coffee its unreal and your better than i ,i couldnt kick the tabs if you paid me.

but after being sober for years i dont miss it in the slightest i acctually pity folk i see drunk now,and the smell of ale and pissed folk on the bus makes me wanna slap em i hate to think i used to smell like that and be like that

but the financial benefits are there too mate,i now own a lot of stuff and i can say its my own rather than on credit or summat

i really do wish you the best m8 ignore the cockhead who felt it nessasary to have a dig,obviously hes never needed or wanted help
Big respect for havin' the large ones to put this up in a forum!!

knowning there will be people who want to take the p155.

Have you found out why you drank so much? What was it you got out of it? Spend some time thinking about what the drink did for you, then find something that will replace it. If you've got kids, time with them. Time with the missus. Time with mates. Take up a sport or other hobby and focus your energy on that.

Just my 2cents. Hope you don't mind.

Best of luck.