Does anybody know??


Inactive User
Jul 11, 2001
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Is there an ISP that can de accessed from europe or the USA using a local number or do I have to dail the UK to my own ISP from another country. It would be impossible to sign up with ISPs in every country I visit Any help Please. I have posted in the ISP section as well as here to get as many ideas as possible Thanks again all
dont use it myself but some of the guys in our company that travel in europe, middle east and us extensivly use aol 6.0 cos it has local nos for most countries they go to. they say the rest of its crap but at least we can contact them and they us whilst they are away. 7.0 is out now and i think somebody said that there are more countries covered.
I know aol is not available in southern spain. They dont have available access numbers there, so I presume its all of spain? But I dont know any suggestions, I think it will depend on what countries you are thinking of.

[ 17 January 2002: Message edited by: L-Mitz ]</p>