Doctor! Doctor! my teeth are crooked


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Mar 5, 2006
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Tempted to attain the perfect smile with veneers? You may regret it says, the dentist.

Cosmetic dentistry has become incredibly popular. It most commonly involves removing healthy enamel and tooth tissue so that veneers can be cemented to the front of the teeth. I see young women in my clinic who have slightly rotated teeth, or have small gaps between them, who seem to think that veneers are the best solution.

But people do not realise that veneers are irreversible. People who have them may be condemning themselves to a lifetime of dentistry because veneers have to be carefully looked after and often need to be repaired, and probably replaced, in 10-15 years.

I carry out many cosmetic procedures, but mainly on patients who have very broken-down teeth and neglected mouths. It is too easy for cosmetic dentists to say to people with crooked teeth: “I can do a wonderful job for you and veneer ten of your front teeth.” But for the majority of people a consultation with an orthodontist is the best policy.

Orthodontists can achieve amazing results within six to nine months, with devices such as invisible braces, without permanently damaging your enamel. Then if there is still one tooth that is not looking right because it is discoloured or the incorrect size you can veneer that.

The fact is that enamel is the hardest and best material to protect your teeth over the years. If you drill into it, and cut it away, you can be on the road to extraction. I have seen young women who have had teeth cut so far back to fit veneers that multiple root canals were required after cementing. Sometimes dentists do not explain all the treatment options, so patients should always ask.

The hygienist is one of the most important people to see in dentistry. If you get into the routine of seeing one regularly your teeth and gums will be less susceptible to bacterial infection and decay, and you should not need to see the dentist as often.

Keith Burns is founder of the Metrodental dental practice in London, London City Dentist - Metrodental, an Award Winning London City Dentist in Cannon St EC4, close to Bank & St Paul's

By Keith Burns
Doctor! Doctor! my teeth are crooked - Times Online