Dm500 to Laptop?

Bit frustrated now..

when I make the Local Area Connection static I lose internet connection with my laptop even tho I'm using it wirelessly!!

When in DM Network what do I need to put a x next to? 'Enable network' 'DHCP' or both? Can I leave it's ip at

Wait a minute..I've connected with filezilla..:banana:

Thanks for your help:Clap:

Does this mean I can't use the laptop for internet now?
no you can, i think we got a bit crossed wires as i thought you were just trying to connect to dm from laptop, didn't realise you had actually set up ics? also, so you need to change the lan ip adderss back to 192.168.0 whatever it was and make dreambox with subnet but make it's default gateway, now you should be able to use the dreambox with internet and your wireless internet on laptop should work again, you may need to untick the ics and set it up again but try changing the ip addresses first.
god this is confusing

whats this ics i'm ticking? do you mean the DHCP in Dm?

I had to make the LAN dynamic again to get net access.

Original DM ip was and default back when I re-tick DHCP
right here's what I've done so far.

Laptop ip made static..set ip to..

Dm unticked DHCP..set ip to192.168.1.2

Successfully transfered file using FileZilla

What do I now need to re-set to get things going please?
change lan to dynamic, make dreambox default gateway 192.168.0 1 subnet
Thanks I put an x next to 'enable network' or DHCP or maybe both?
the x means enabled so you need it next to network and not for dhcp.