Disc Read Error


Inactive User
Jan 2, 2007
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Hi All
I Have A Modded Ps2 But Lately Some Of My Back Upps Are Getting Disc Read Errors. It Is Mostly Old Cdrom Games Although Some Dvds As Well. If I Put An Original In First I Have No Problems Any Ideas

P.s This Does Not Happen All The Time
first thing - use a cleaning disc. if that doesn't help thenlasers shagged. you could try adjusting pots on laser. I've done this to mine twice now. plenty of info on web.
Cheers Sparky
Is This A Cleaning Disc U Use On Cd Players U Play Or 1 Of Those Cleaning Kits Where U Get Some Kind Of Cleaning Fluid ?
Its Just That My Discs Are In Tip Top Condition And Me Thinks It Could Be The Laser. Do U Know Any Sites Where I Can Get A New 1 And How Much Should I Expect To Pay And Are They Easy To Replace
first thing you need is a laser cleaner - exact same as one for cd players etc.

This often gets my ps2 booting again.

If laser cleaner fails - then its adjustment time/replacement time.

By increasing the gain marginally on the laser -you may get another 6 months of use.

I have done this twice to mine now and although everything boots ok, copies of GTA3/VC/SA suffer from disappearing buildings.

you can buy another laser check mrmodchips.co.uk or divineo.

You will have to check which version of PS2 you have - mines an ancient V4 and it is proving quite difficult to get a laser for mine.

I have decided not to bother and just deal with it.
Good Info
But What Does The "increasing The Gain Marginally On The Laser" Mean?

this article shows guide for adjusting laser.

really needs to be done with a multimeter as the pots are stupidly sensitive.

i.e. for me (V4) DVD pot should be 1200-1400 ohm

the lower the resistance - the more current will flow thru the laser.

originally my laser was set to about 1250.

using a philips i adjusted about 16th of turn - this will alter the resistance way too much.

i adjusted mine to 1150 - then about 6-8 months later adjusted down to about 1020.

never touched cd pot as i have never had a problem with cds on ps2.

been of for about 12 month now apart from disappearing buildings in the GTA games.
take off lid and clean laser with meths , then blow it with compressed air or a bike pump, dust is the killer with ps2 lasers
i used 2 chip ps1,s and found that the runners that laser runs along used to dry up due to heat and found that greasing them also helped when this happened dont know if its same with ps2 though but must b worth a try
Wot type of ps 2 is it mate if its the big old black one just screw the back of it and throw a hard drive in there and throw all your discs in the bin Exept free HD loader Hope this helps Paul
hi i get the same error, i seem to be reading audio cd's perfect
some one sugested to me to play with them 2 white cogs about the laser it will adjust the laser angle and can resolve the problem, ive been trying for ages but no luck
Adjust the height screw 1 &1/4 turns from full in.
Adjust the white cog to half way.

This is the starting point.

Failing this A ebay seller called "CHINA-WEB" sells all lasers which are rebuilt to a extremely high standard, better than most uk sellers.

Clean laser with tape head cleaner and cotton wool bud,(cleaning cds dont usually work as the lasers shrouded).
You could also try The old art of LASER TAPPING. used to fix psx lasers.
If you have a scope hook it up to it and tune the laser in.
: tinkywin : po : : laalaa : : dipsy :