Current ban's

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Was wondering if the recent ban was a perm ban or just a short trem holiday? :Fish:

arent most bans short term? still surprised that in 6 years havent been banned yet...think a couple of yellow cards may have been picked up though lol
Yeah most are mate but we have had some perm ban's in past so was just wondering really. Hate seeing members banned, understand that sometimes it happen and everyone here is layed back but still not good.
short term as i understand it m8. to much drinking and to little thought into whats posted sometimes, so for their own good we ban for a few hours lol.
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Yeah most are mate but we have had some perm ban's in past so was just wondering really. Hate seeing members banned, understand that sometimes it happen and everyone here is layed back but still not good.

still think bans are a tad over the top.. but dont want to go down that road again.. plus its a bit pointless as surely someone who is banned can sign in with a new account?
We very rearly ban members permenent,its not what we like to do at all here

you may see a lot of pink in "Whos Online" or at the bottom of main forum "Currently Active Users" these are spammers/bots thats are caught and banned as they are not wanted here :)
still think bans are a tad over the top

I have to disagree,we are very tolerant and let thing go way to far at times,this is where I think members push the boundary's and when they do get banned take the huff because they have gone further in the past,maybe ?

who knows lol
i think the bans are good as it lets the banned members cool down and think about what or why they went over the top,if the mods or admins didnt ban people it would lose a lot of members as some topics can go a way over the top and get personal towards other members..i have been banned twice and i deserved my both bans it has made me a better member on this site..:Clap:
Doesn't the infraction system sort it all out now, member gets points and a time stamped on it, so if points go over the ban limit then they get banned for time that was put on the warning...or something like that anyway.

Digital World Entertainment & Technology Forums - Announcements in Forum : General Chat

For a member to get a one day ban they must hit 85 points, so for witchy to have got a ban, he must have had previous infractions, cos he wasnt guilty of the 2 highest points infractions.

No way Saint Stu had previous.........:roflmao:

He is just a harmless eeeejit. (imho)
Looks like the ban's up, pink no more.
Doesn't the infraction system sort it all out now, member gets points and a time stamped on it, so if points go over the ban limit then they get banned for time that was put on the warning...or something like that anyway.

Digital World Entertainment & Technology Forums - Announcements in Forum : General Chat

For a member to get a one day ban they must hit 85 points, so for witchy to have got a ban, he must have had previous infractions, cos he wasnt guilty of the 2 highest points infractions.

No way Saint Stu had previous.........:roflmao:

He is just a harmless eeeejit. (imho)

i never knew this where can i check if i have points and does it tell you why you have them?
you can check in your user cp, but if you had received points you would have got a pm at the time
i never knew this where can i check if i have points and does it tell you why you have them?

Usercp...its right at the top, you cannot miss it if you have any, its above rep points, shows post you got warning for, tells you have many points you got and how long they stay for and reason you got warning.
thanks eva, where would it show? from what i can see i have 0 as i cant see anything? is that right? surely must have at least 1?? lol feel left out now lol JOKE!

confirmed dont seem to have any...
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Glad a bit of discretion was used on witchy but he did sail his arse pretty close to the wind last night silly bugger lol.
I hope he has sorted it out if you know what i mean!
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