Couldnt give a royal to$$

You're all over the shop here mick.

I have loads of bad words to say about this wedding. I think it's a monumental waste of money and time. The sooner we stop drooling over these useless parasites the better.

On the other hand, I'm all for the Olympics. It will celebrate all that's good about Britain and the dedication of the athletes that will represent us.

Does this make me a "sad sad Britain hating anti-English moron"? It's a matter of opinion I suppose.

Parasites? Really
imho? Yes.

I'm not asking you to agree with me.

Explain to me why.
And while your at why support athletics
I have many many years involvement with the saf
I'm just wondering why you think that's worth
Your support but you future king isn't?
Be nice to have a survey of people who likes this or not and where they are originally from .

I wasn't born here but am British and proud of it. Lots of my friends and colleagues in the same situation are proud to have something that is viewed so highly in other countries. Not only does it bring in the tourists but also investments and raises the profile of the country.

I like the royal family myself and will be watching the wedding.
I have many many years involvement with the saf

Good for you. I for many years was involved with the A.S.A.

These are worthwhile organisations that provide benefits to the health and fitness of the nation. I'm quite happy to discuss athletics or swimming with you.

I don't expect you to agree with my views on the Monarchy and any discussion on the matter is likely to hit a brick wall and end in an argument.
Good for you. I for many years was involved with the A.S.A.

These are worthwhile organisations that provide benefits to the health and fitness of the nation. I'm quite happy to discuss athletics or swimming with you.

I don't expect you to agree with my views on the Monarchy and any discussion on the matter is likely to hit a brick wall and end in an argument.

Calling the Monarchy parasites , I won't discuss
Anything with you .
I think it's a monumental waste of money and time. The sooner we stop drooling over these useless parasites the better.

An uneducated, Ill-informed comment
An uneducated, Ill-informed comment

This may help you understand a little more Nara

How rich is Queen Elizabeth?
Her estimated personal fortune is around £350 million (US $525M). The Duchy of Lancaster estate, a portfolio of land, property and assets, is held in Trust for the Sovereign and worth around £348 million. She also owns properties privately that have never been valued, including Sandringham House, Balmoral Castle reputedly worth £160 million and the Castle of Mey. Her personal art collection is worth at least £10 billion, and she owns personal jewellery and a large stamp collection built up by her grandfather George V. Buckingham Palace, Windsor Castle, the Crown Jewels and the Royal Art Collection are held in trust for the nation. The Crown Estate, the royal lands dating from 1066, are worth around £7.3 billion and generate £304 million (2008/9) in revenue a year which is handed back to the Government as payment in return for the £38.2 million per year (2009/10 down 7% from £41 million in 2008) cost of running the monarchy. This arrangement dates from George III who gave up the right to the income in return for the Civil List paid to members of the Royal Family. It has been announced that this will be changed in 2013 to a Sovereign Support Grant based on a percentage of the income from the Crown Estate.

British Royal Family History - Frequently Asked Questions
Heres another one Nara

All figures are in millions of pounds unless otherwise stated.
IRAQ (total across all departments)
2002-03 - £866.3m
2003-04 - £1570.8m
2004-05 - £1084.6m
2005-06 - £1139.6m
2006-07 - £1148.2m
2007-08 - £1584.3m
2008-09 - £1470.55m
Ministry of Defence alone (from Treasury reserve) 2009-10 - £358m (estimated)

Department for International Development 2009-10 - £20m

TOTAL: £9.24bn

Ministry of Defence (from Treasury reserve)
2001-02 - £221m
2002-03 - £311m
2003-04 - £46m
2004-05 - £67m
2005-06 - £199m
2006-07 - £742m
2007-08 - £1,490m
2008-09 - £2,623m
2009-10 - £4,200m (estimated)

Total: £9,899m
Humanitarian, reconstruction and development assistance
2001-10 - £1,200million
TOTAL: £11.1bn
COST OF BOTH WARS = £20.34bn

That's without all the so called refugees ( parasites) over here claiming benefits.
Estimated cost of involvment in north africa is expected to be around 2bn.

Are you suggesting that MOD generates conflict to keep themselves in jobs ?

Good news is that most of the money being spent is done with UK (ish) companies so that is money being pumped in the UK economy. So if the money was not being spent there would have been some costs in unemployment, etc plus it help keeps high tech jobs in the UK.
Are you suggesting that MOD generates conflict to keep themselves in jobs ?.

Now there's a thought

If you changed MOD to government and then thought of the Falklands, I would have to say yes
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Now there's a thought

If you changed MOD to government and then thought of the Falklands, I would have to say yes

I think most people would agree that thacher would have lost the election that year if it was not for the falklands.

Now flashforward 30 years and I believe they have found oil there which was one of the reasons for the war. Not sure if its economical to extract though.

Also argentina are presenting new evidence to the UN that the mainland shelf extends out further then previously though and 200 mile fishing exclusion zone falls within argentian waters.
Am i the only person who couldnt care a toss about the royal wedding??

everywhere i go, theres flags, signs, banners, its in the papers, on the radio, on the telly, so the fook what!!

jesus christ, if id have known thered be this much crap in the lead up to it, id have not taken the bank holiday

what a crok of $h!t, whoopee fkin doo

ANOTHER excuse to get the country spending loads of money on crap they dont need or want to get the VAT flowing

and aint the tax payer footing the bill??

im sick to death of hearing about it

I'm quoting in order to bring this back on topic...

& as for the wedding, let's just say I'd rather watch my cat taking a dump and leave it at that..
been up a while, Daybreak on (ITV) and as expected its all about the wedding

there are crowds lining the streets, in parks etc and have to admit it makes a change to see people happy, cheery and all in good humor on tv for a change
make a difference from the doom and gloom of murders, wars etc we see daily
