Couldnt give a royal to$$


Sheep worrier.
VIP Member
Aug 8, 2001
Reaction score
The edge.
Am i the only person who couldnt care a toss about the royal wedding??

everywhere i go, theres flags, signs, banners, its in the papers, on the radio, on the telly, so the fook what!!

jesus christ, if id have known thered be this much crap in the lead up to it, id have not taken the bank holiday

what a crok of $h!t, whoopee fkin doo

ANOTHER excuse to get the country spending loads of money on crap they dont need or want to get the VAT flowing

and aint the tax payer footing the bill??

im sick to death of hearing about it
Am i the only person who couldnt care a toss about the royal wedding??

everywhere i go, theres flags, signs, banners, its in the papers, on the radio, on the telly, so the fook what!!

jesus christ, if id have known thered be this much crap in the lead up to it, id have not taken the bank holiday

what a crok of $h!t, whoopee fkin doo

ANOTHER excuse to get the country spending loads of money on crap they dont need or want to get the VAT flowing

and aint the tax payer footing the bill??

im sick to death of hearing about it

Off with his head !!!
The only good thing about it is that it a extra day off with pay ! apart from that i couldnt care less
Looking forward to it here as well. A sense of pride I think. Not over the top tho with all the souveniers and flags and whatnot.

Do we have any odds on how long this marriage will last??
you may not like whats going on but there are plenty of people who are looking for to it (and the extra days holiday this year). Plus there is little doubt it is bring extra money into the economy.

Personally we planning on getting together with some neighbours and having a garden party in the afternoon but it looks like it might rain.
No digidude I also could not give a toss about the royal shinanigans

They get on my tits and boil my piss who cares what they do all I know is they are not needed in this day and age.
I'll be wearing my union jack suit - complete with union jack under pants on friday. ive already bought lots of commemorative plates and cups for my wall display.

Boring the arse of me with all the crawlers on the news. I care about this as much as another 2 people I have never met getting married. Yawn


marriage wont all diana wasnt exactly a princess....charles wasnt exactly a prince...and to think we taxpayers are paying for this...only good thing day off work..
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Am i the only person who couldnt care a toss about the royal wedding??

everywhere i go, theres flags, signs, banners, its in the papers, on the radio, on the telly, so the fook what!!

jesus christ, if id have known thered be this much crap in the lead up to it, id have not taken the bank holiday

what a crok of $h!t, whoopee fkin doo

ANOTHER excuse to get the country spending loads of money on crap they dont need or want to get the VAT flowing

and aint the tax payer footing the bill??

im sick to death of hearing about it

no your not mate i dont give a shite either, im happy with my day off though lol
One thing to say to anyone who has a bad word to say about this wedding "Shame on you all" because you are the sort of person who does not deserve to live in this country.

It wont be long before the same people start saying the Olympics is a waste of money.

Why don`t you sad sad Britain hating anti English morons do us all a favor and go find another country to hate.

This country will never be Great again until we start to cellabrate everything we have like we used to when made in Britain was a stamp of Quality and something to be proud of.
marriage wont all diana wasnt exactly a princess....charles wasnt exactly a prince...and to think we taxpayers are paying for this...only good thing day off work..

the amount of people who come from all over the world to see the royal family
brings more than enough money into this country, so lay off them.

and take it out on the big oversea company that are running this country and not pay there full amount of taxes that what screwing the country not the royals.
most of you english just like to get drunk then fight and talk behind your friends back.
One thing to say to anyone who has a bad word to say about this wedding "Shame on you all" because you are the sort of person who does not deserve to live in this country.

Couldnt agree more, especially those 'muslims against the crusades' bell ends who have vowed to ruin the day, deport any that dont get shot by marksmen to any desert

It wont be long before the same people start saying the Olympics is a waste of money.

yep, specially when theyre cutting hospital care for babies, old people and cancer care due to under funding

Why don`t you sad sad Britain hating anti English morons do us all a favor and go find another country to hate.

because then they wont get their benefits paid, and no other country will put up with it

This country will never be Great again until we start to cellabrate everything we have like we used to when made in Britain was a stamp of Quality and something to be proud of.

now this i totally agree with, but, due to political correctness and 'multicultralism', britain will NEVER be as great as it once was