Contributing Members

i didnt see me on the list but you can definatley put me down
Contributors Notification

Mickie D said:
right i have setup a nochex account a paypal and if you want i will sort out a cheque address aswell :)

i will open it up in the next few days :)

it will take a while for us to get it all together and sort thigns out so look about 2 - 4 weeks after we start, remember we have to set it all up, i have to build a new server also and get the software working right and (most of all SECURE !!!, dont worry i always get like that about security).....

if your name is down to contribute you will be getting a mail in the next few days telling you exactly what is going on how much it will be and what we are buying with this money and exactly what you will be getting (some extras of course for your eyes only)

i would like to say thank you again for your continued support, we firmly believe we have the best members and best mod team available... because we believe in you as people and everyone has a good side and this site brings that out :)

thank you again and let me know if ther is any other payment options i have left out ?


Have you sent the emails yet? My mail account has been a f***ed up the last couple of weeks and may have rejected it.
Also I will need the info for sending a cheque.

Cheers, Scunner.
sorry guys i am just being messed about with paypal at the mo :(

they jst got back to me today, so should be fine by tomorrow

sorry guys it will be sorted tomoz i promise :)
yeah i know allroad but so many members use paypal its hard not to use ot m8y ....

anyways will be ready for you guys to read tomoz the mail
i have set them both up m8y
nice one m8 are you going to mailshot or post the details m8 the money is burning a hole in my pocket lol
hi mickey,
I will pay by paypal and I will add 5% extra to take care of the paypal costs
cheers Arthur
yeah i am having probs with the emailing at the mo and still jsut witing on 1 thing still :(

what i will do is make a contributions group and just make a extra room and if you have contributions as your secondery usergrup you will see this room and can read what we are doing and also discuss it ;)

ill do this first thing after i taken my boy to school tomoz guys

and thanks again it means alot :)
count me in!!!! the FATBOY wants in!!! please e mail me with details! would a cheque be ok?????