Him Her

VIP Member
VIP Member
Dec 23, 2011
Reaction score
North Yorkshire
So, summat with ist on the end could be illegal - like racist?

But homophobic isn't? Well, it's a fear isn't it? So what's the 'ist' that's illegal about 'gay' then?

Now, don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem with 'gay' (apart from the fact that I can't be 'gay' any more 'cos that would mean I wouldn't be straight and I have to find another word to describe how happy I am...huh?)

It can't be the 'ism' bit because then communism would be illegal and so would lesbianism...

It's okay, I've found a word that ends in 'ist' that ISN'T illegal!

as always,
not got a clue what yer on about..

should have posted in the joke section.. ( until we intrduce an incoherent section) :)
as always,
not got a clue what yer on about..

should have posted in the joke section.. ( until we intrduce an incoherent section) :)

More like the alcoholics section Wtf is he on about in simple laymans terms

...erm, not really, I just like to push boundaries a offence intended :)
My 'boundaries' remain in their correct place, you're talking bollocks - note grammatically correct usage - now you can shoot me :)
My 'boundaries' remain in their correct place, you're talking bollocks - note grammatically correct usage - now you can shoot me :)

Is that an invitation m8 :) :Kickassro:Kickassro:SHOOTING: :SHOOTING: pmsl