DVB - PC Cards Complete n00b need help setting up...


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VIP Member
Dec 27, 2005
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Ok I know there is already a similar post but I didnt want to hijack that thread...

I bought the TT DVB-c card from bladesftp and installed it today... All I have done is installed the driver and tt software which I dont think I need...

What program should I use and erm where does the cable feed go theres to sockets at the back and I dont know which one is input and which is output.

I took the feed from my dreambox and plugged it into the female input I think... did a scan using the tt software but didnt get anything..

Can someone please help...
Where can I find DVBViewer went to the website but apprantly that version wont work.

bladesftp is now online and is going help me get started :)
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Ok so I have DVB Viewer Pro v3.6.1.2, do I just right click and goto channel scan... select cable and start scanning?
Nope, you need to create a cable.ini file to go in the Transponders folder. You can get the frequences for your area if you already have a services files from a dreambox or dbox. Cable.ini is more or less the same as a cables.xml on dream or dbox.

EDIT: If you're in a 6952 area, Bluemotion has been kind enough to make a "Bruteforce" cable.ini with all the frequencies.

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You have remove the three 0's, so it looks like this...

2=Kabel (dvb-c)

And the 2 has to be 3.
Trying his brute force transponders now. 6952 rings a bell... think i might of seen something like that in the EM of cable box... Will go and check whilst scanning for channels
You are in a 6952 area according to your services file. ;) Bluemotions's file should work. Scanning might just take a little longer, since it has the entire frequency range, not just the ones for your area, but you can always tweak that later, if you want.
Half way through and nothing yet... Im assuming taking the cable from the dreambox and plug it in my computer is perfectly fine. Its a coaxial cable and not coax does that matter?
Half way through and nothing yet... Im assuming taking the cable from the dreambox and plug it in my computer is perfectly fine. Its a coaxial cable and not coax does that matter?
Yes, the cable for your dreambox should work in the DVB card too.
Scan complete and Found TV: 0 Radio: 0 so looks like something isnt quite right...
Ahh ok so first I used the DVBViewer Wizard... But I have just opened DVBViewer and went to scan channels but there is no target device... Im assuming this is the problem...
Yes, that doesn't sound quite right. DVBviewer needs to see your card, of course. Which one have you got? The TT1500?
Yep... Think it might have something to do with the version im running... Keeps randomly closing too so I guess I will need to search for another version.

Going to reboot... Tried without patching and keep getting no hardware available
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Are you sure the card is working? Have you tried any other DVB apps? ProgDVB, MyTheatre?
ProgDVB doesnt seem to work either im guessing something isnt right... Iv installed the drivers and everything and its in my windows device manger list... In theory it should work with the software that came with the cd but I still get nothing when scanning with that.
XP SP2 PRO, I formatted my machine today so it cant be my computer at fault... Only thing I can think of is removing it all and start from scratch