Child benefit to be scrapped for higher taxpayers

also my other thought is if you are if your on the 44k income and just come into the higher tax band you may as well be better off asking your employer for a pay cut to £43,999

I was thinking the same thing, for a 2 child family the benefits add up to £2,400 a year if you work it out to gross pay. So if you are on under £46,400 you would be better off taking a pay cut, stupid really.
Same could be said for you nicking your tv subscription scrounging benefit’s, flogging copied games and porn at the car boot, people in glass houses.


I pay for my TV, Internet and phone service.

Scrounging benefits, such as? :err:

Flogging copied games and porn at car boot sales? :err:

what the hell are you talking about?

Go fcuk yourself, ya clown.

I pay for my TV, Internet and phone service.

Scrounging benefits, such as? :err:

Flogging copied games and porn at car boot sales? :err:

what the hell are you talking about?

Go fcuk yourself, ya clown.

£40k is well eniugh money to live on,
if ya cant afford a house on that then rent one, or buy a smaller house.

they should only pay to people who are on low income ie £25k or lower which is still alot of money if ya ask me.

middle class people dont need it and is proven cos the social sevices say they dont cash them when there due, they save them up over 6/12 months. WTF

i live on less than £5k a year.
but i still pay council tax/rent/prescriptions........FFS

stop giving bonus`s to the rich and give it to the poor.

why should the poor pay for rich peoples mistakes IE credit crunch.
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Although I'm in the higher bracket and so will be impacted by this, I do agree that it should only be for those on low incomes.

Slightly off topic but I feel that it should also be mentioned to those "working class" that think that those earning more should be hit harder. Have you ever thought that maybe the amount of taxes you already pay doesn't cover what you get in return from the state and that the higher income earners that are paying more taxes are not only subsiding those claiming benefiots but also yourselves, albeit to a lesser extent. That doesn't even account for the fact that higher earners are less likely to use the services provided by the state.
i live on less than £5k a year.
but i still pay council tax/rent/prescriptions........FFS

And what incentive is there for you earn more if all it means is loss of benefits and being taxed to hell ?
agreed !

i remember reading in the times about a single mother

she was working 20 hours a week at local council picking up £12k a year [basically £25k if full time]

she then claimed the benefits she was ofcourse entitled to

she got another £12k a year in child tax credits, working tax credits, council tax benefit

50% of her income is benefits but she still not happy than her combined earnings is what many of us would be happy with !

she had her own home and a brand new car and unsecured loans

she was then moaning she found her life hard and was financially struggling

you wonder how many of these morons drive around in new cars credited to their eye balls thinking they are struggling when over 50% of their disposable income goes into paying towards credit cards & loans

like it has been said countless amounts of times, millions of people have been living outside their means spending more than what they earn thinking they will never be in trouble just for the shit to hit the fan then blame the government
get rid of it altogether

people shouldn't be having kids if they can't afford them

and what about those who had kids when they could afford them,but got made redundant/lost their job some other way,should we just have their kids shot then,or taken into care,or let them wander the streets and become feral
i live in a blinked world.

i genuinely didn't realise that everybody got child allowance i assumed it was low paid workers only and then only on the first born not the whole brood....i have read all the posts in the thread an must admit i did shake my head at some.

why does anybody who earns over £44000 need child allowance ? you have a choice if you don't think you have enough money to bring up a child then take precautions to avoid it.
this is what labour created though

you can get social security when u earn over £40k a year but if you earn under £20k a yr and support your partner then you are screwed

so much for labour looking after the poor & middle earners eh !
i just dont get it at all !
How can ANYONE earning over 40k per year recieve any government funding at all ?? 40k a year is a lot of money ! i dont care wot anyone IS a lot of money !
i earn around 28K a year and i consider myself fortunate and lucky to have a fair well paid job ! and i have plenty left over at the end of the month after my mortgage/bills ect ect ! Even with 2 or 3 kids i would seriously manage with NO
government help at all .
The world has gone mad .
i am with all the "scrap the lot" people im afraid .
and what about those who had kids when they could afford them,but got made redundant/lost their job some other way,should we just have their kids shot then,or taken into care,or let them wander the streets and become feral

This is a good point ...and THIS reason ONLY is where the government should step in and help with the parents benefits to help the parents .
i seriously dont mind paying tax for stuff like this , as long as the parents dont take the piss ( like a lot of scrotes and chavs with there 10 million kids do ) could be vetted much better !
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get rid of it altogether

people shouldn't be having kids if they can't afford them

but removing the benefit would disadvantage the kids, who have no control over their parents financial affairs.....
I just wonder how this was ever agreed in the first place, did they just say yes lets give everyone free money no matter if they need it or not that will be a good idea ???
I just wonder how this was ever agreed in the first place, did they just say yes lets give everyone free money no matter if they need it or not that will be a good idea ???

Child benefit dates back to the 40's or 50's I believe and is based on one of the cornerstones of thinking at the time that there should be no stigma attached to child benefit and should be available to everyone. BBC iPlayer has a report about the policy at the moment.

also more info here,

BBC NEWS | Business | Q&A: Child benefit