Linux cfdisk 3tb


Inactive User
May 2, 2005
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The rats nest of wires behind my TV
Hi I have just bought a 3TB drive for my debian server and not being 100% on linux I followed this guide to partition and format it LINK
Basically when I finished partitioning and formatting I ran fdisk -l it said it

Disk /dev/sdb doesn't contain a valid partition table

which I thought was weird so I had a read about and I read that cfdisk doesnt really like 3tb drives I was just wondering if this is still the case or is the above normal and I should just mount and forget about it or will I need to use gparted to fix it, thanks any help would be great.
I've worked it out now cfdisk & fdisk don't support 3TB drives so I installed parted and used this tutorial


To get it sorted. Also worth adding

Reduce Reserved Space

By default 5% is reserved for the root to stop the driving becoming unusable when full, for data and not the main OS drive this does not matter too much, and 5% was decided when drives where much small. 5% of 3TB is 150 GB, way too much. Turn this down to 1% with:

sudo tune2fs -m 1 /dev/sdb1

, cheers.

If a mod doesn't mind changing the title of my post it would probably make it easier to find if some else has the same problem
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