Celtic FC Thread

Would you walk up to a black person and call him ni**er but another black man can. It's insulting to the people to whom you direct it and I'm pretty sure if you read the rules! I point you to rule 11

Any member found making racist/religious and/or defamatory comments, inciting anger amongst members; thereby causing distress to them, or their families, WILL be banned.

I hope some sense can prevail.
Would you walk up to a black person and call him ni**er but another black man can. It's insulting to the people to whom you direct it and I'm pretty sure if you read the rules! I point you to rule 11

Any member found making racist/religious and/or defamatory comments, inciting anger amongst members; thereby causing distress to them, or their families, WILL be banned.

I hope some sense can prevail.

eh lol dont be daft mate
lets just say for the record your a prod am a prod i call u a tim so where now lol ?
for the record im not a prod never been in any house of god in my life
no mate i would not use the work ni**er but you could say hay nigga to a white or a black and not be racist
nigga= Slang term for homie, friend, buddy, etc., used primarily by African-Americans but has spread to other races as well;
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This is the Celtic thread. I'm not staff, but what's said in this thread is between like-minded members. As a Rangers supporter, I don't agree with a lot of the posts made, and I'm sure the Celtic supporters here don't agree with some of the posts on the Rangers thread.

To cross over, from either side, and start the old 'arguments' defeats the purpose of the Rangers/Celtic threads. And to make comments to incite a response from either side in their respective Celtic/Rangers threads is nothing short of childish.

If it's light-hearted banter.... fair doo's. But, inciting a negative response between members in their thread, who, let's not forget, have a lot in common (ehh... DW!), it's not on in my view.

The Rangers/Celtic threads were set up for a reason, to vent the pro/anti Celtic/Rangers stuff in each others threads.

We all have private opinions on the Auld Firm, and when it crosses the line, it's right to pull whoever it is back into line.

Keep it to your thread, but without inciting a reaction from the other side folks. If you don't like what's posted in the Rangers/Celtic thread... don't read it!

In the same vein, don't post something that you know would get another members back up, just for the hell of it. Petty.
This is the Celtic thread. I'm not staff, but what's said in this thread is between like-minded members. As a Rangers supporter, I don't agree with a lot of the posts made, and I'm sure the Celtic supporters here don't agree with some of the posts on the Rangers thread.

To cross over, from either side, and start the old 'arguments' defeats the purpose of the Rangers/Celtic threads. And to make comments to incite a response from either side in their respective Celtic/Rangers threads is nothing short of childish.

If it's light-hearted banter.... fair doo's. But, inciting a negative response between members in their thread, who, let's not forget, have a lot in common (ehh... DW!), it's not on in my view.

The Rangers/Celtic threads were set up for a reason, to vent the pro/anti Celtic/Rangers stuff in each others threads.

We all have private opinions on the Auld Firm, and when it crosses the line, it's right to pull whoever it is back into line.

Keep it to your thread, but without inciting a reaction from the other side folks. If you don't like what's posted in the Rangers/Celtic thread... don't read it!

In the same vein, don't post something that you know would get another members back up, just for the hell of it. Petty.

good post mate, the only thing i will say if i was wrong to post the rangerstaxcase which seems to have not gone down well its very much the main talking point on most celtic sites i read such as CQN, so i would have thought there should be no issue posting it on here, offcourse its bound to annoy rangers fans but thats not the reason i posted it, if you read through CQN the bulk on there are all celtic fans and genuinly interested in whats happening and obviously there is a bit of enjoyment in it, but as you say surely thats why the threads are created?
to be called a troll who posts bile for posting it seems a bit mental as you say look on the rangers thread and i dont think i have commented on any anti celtic stuff or anti neil lennon stuff but then im attacked verbally for posting what i suppose could be deemed negative rangers stuff but its not like i posted it on an open forum?

for the record think some of the reaction to what i posted was wrong but you will see from previous weeks i rarely post in sports section anymore as not worth the hassle.
good post mate, the only thing i will say if i was wrong to post the rangerstaxcase which seems to have not gone down well its very much the main talking point on most celtic sites i read such as CQN, so i would have thought there should be no issue posting it on here, offcourse its bound to annoy rangers fans but thats not the reason i posted it, if you read through CQN the bulk on there are all celtic fans and genuinly interested in whats happening and obviously there is a bit of enjoyment in it, but as you say surely thats why the threads are created?
to be called a troll who posts bile for posting it seems a bit mental as you say look on the rangers thread and i dont think i have commented on any anti celtic stuff or anti neil lennon stuff but then im attacked verbally for posting what i suppose could be deemed negative rangers stuff but its not like i posted it on an open forum?

for the record think some of the reaction to what i posted was wrong but you will see from previous weeks i rarely post in sports section anymore as not worth the hassle.

hi mate i never attacked you, i was just pointing out the the link you posted was full of tims making up stuff they dont know. i dont care what you post the link never bothered me i was just commenting on it .
i know rangers are in a bad way, who knows we may just go out the game but we will come back stronger if we do x

im all for debate on anything on hear as long as it dont go ott
and its not made up pish lol
Scottish Premier League officials have confirmed that the final Old Firm match of the season at Ibrox will be played on Sunday 24 April (kick-off 1230 BST).

Following consultations between Strathclyde Police, Rangers and Celtic, the date was announced before the rest of the post-split fixtures.

In recent seasons, the SPL has tried to avoid an Old Firm title decider.

Rangers are currently one point ahead of Celtic in the title race, having played one match more.

Police are normally keen to avoid the match going ahead on a bank holiday weekend, but the first two weekends after the split are both holiday weekends.

No other post-split fixtures have been announced, with Rangers set to play their last pre-split match at Dundee United on 19 April, while Celtic are scheduled to meet Kilmarnock on the following day.

However, the SPL has yet to announce a date for the rearranged fixture between Inverness Caledonian Thistle and Celtic, which was postponed on Saturday due to a waterlogged pitch.

If Inverness fail to reach the top six, that match could be arranged for a date after the league splits in two.
interesting rab, what would happen if caley missed the cut by 1 point but were still to play there rearranged game against celtic, its bound to delay the split, any ideas
Celtic player Anthony Stokes' relatives released

The parents and uncle of Celtic star Anthony Stokes have been released from police custody without charge after they were arrested in Ireland.

The three were detained by detectives on Friday after ammunition was uncovered at Mr Stokes' parents' pub Players Lounge pub in north Dublin.

Gardai confirmed that Paul Byrne, 46, who is an uncle of the footballer, had been released without charge.

The player's father and mother have also been released without charge.

Police said a file would be prepared for the Director of Public Prosecutions.

More than 100 Garda officers were involved in a wave of early morning searches in north Dublin as part of an inquiry into a bloody row between dissident republicans and organised criminals.

It is understood John Stokes, 54, the player's father, was arrested at the pub after a team of Garda officers smashed their way in through a side door.

A handful of bullets found in a shed at the back of the pub were taken away for ballistic tests.

Cocaine with a street value of about 500 euro (£438), along with three stun guns, were also found on the premises.

His wife - and mother of the young striker - Joan Stokes, 55, was also arrested at the time.

Last month, John Stokes was ordered to remove a 40ft banner which stated the Queen was not welcome at his pub in Fairview, north Dublin, during her forthcoming state visit.

WALTER SMITH is to be commended for his brave words, and for joining Martin Bain in condemning the songs of hate which embarrass their club.

I would be nice to hear similar stern warnings to Celtic supporters from their counterparts at Parkhead.

A few choice phrases from the erudite Neil Lennon, and the otherwise outspoken Peter Lawwell, to tell those fans they must stop their OH AH UP THE RA chanting, would not go amiss.

And a contribution from that old political bruiser, the Baron Reid of Cardowan, would be appreciated too.

In fact any words from former Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, the Baron Reid would carry even more weight, as he is still protected by the British State from these murderous terrorists the supporters of the club he is chairman of sing in praise of.

Though I am sure he is not surpised at their warped values as the Green Brigade once decribed the Baron Reid of Cardowan as a war criminal. Ridiculous!

However, with no comments from them, we can only imagine what Lawwell and the good Baron thought when the Green Brigade shamed not just Celtic, but all of Scotland, by belting out their support for terrorists in Northern Ireland during the midweek match against Hibernian at Parkhead.

What made their screeching hatred even more shameful for Scotland was the bloodstained bellowing came on the day when the latest victim of these murderers, a young Roman Catholic police officer, was buried.

Which was also the same day the links to IRA terrorism reached out to Scotland, with a police raid on a house only 15 miles or so from Parkhead.

Fortunately we know what some Celtic supporters think of this latest outrage from the Green Brigade.

They do not like it one little bit. But astonishingly, they have revealed and admitted that they live in too much fear of the terrorist lovers to do anything about it because of an atmosphere of intimdation which exists within Parkhead.

For this knowledge we must be grateful to a thoughtful piece which appeared on the website, the Celtic Hub, under the brave headline of - GREEN BRIGADE, DON'T BE SO STUPID.

This well written article rightly stated the hateful OH AH UP THE RA chant, which was bellowed at Parkhead this week, is not acceptable, and that if it continues it will land Celtic in trouble.

This brave Celtic Hub man or woman added they know it is the Green Brigade who sing it, especially at away games, but increasingly at Parkhead too.

What was even more heartening was to read many of the initial comments from angry Celtic supports, attached to the piece. They agreed with the sentiments.

A case of IRA-RIP is what those Celtic supporters were saying to the Green Brigade zealots and extremists.

One supporter added that the rebel rant, The Boys of the Old Brigade, was something else he had no wish to hear the Green Brigade sing.

However, things took a sinister turn when someone posting under the name of Limmy revealed that when he complained about the Green Brigade they did not take it well.

Which left the question as to what form the Green Brigade "not taking it well," actually took?

It was answered by Colin Mackay when he admitted that he would like to feel safe enough inside Celtic Park to pull up the culprits when these terrorists chants and songs are screeched.

And that points us clearly in the direction of intimidation, and the fact ordinary, decent, hard working Celtic supporters, who pay a lot of money for a season ticket in order to watch and cheer their team, do not feel safe at the match if the seat they pay so much of their hard earned money for, is in the vicinity of the Green Brigade.

This revelation is surely something Lawwell and the Baron Reid of Cardowan should address, investigate, and take appropriate action.

Though I am not holding my breath. After all, action against the Green Brigade's Bloodstained Poppy banner, which shamed Scotland, was promised. Bans, we were told, would follow.

Five months on and I cannot recall reading anything about anyone being identified and excluded.

In the midst of all this, where does Odious Creep, who was at Parkhead on Wednesday when the Green Brigade launched their OH AH UP THE RA chant, stand?

And does he believe Lawwell and the Baron Reid are doing enough to stamp out the vocal support for terrorists?

He was certainly quick off the mark in the Times of London's extremely low circulation Scottish edition, with a comment piece which slammed Rangers for not doing enough to stamp out the problem with what their fans sing.

That led to him getting another couple of verbal slaps from Walter Smith at Friday's press conference at Murray Park.

No doubt he will go into denial over this revelation. But there were plenty of other reporters there who witnessed it.

And many of them took deep delight in Odious Creep's latest discomfort.

He is not a popular man with the press pack, and that unpopularity spread after his antics and shenanigans in Holland last month.

Creep is now becoming increasingly erratic, to such an extent that he is even drifting off message.

That much is obvious from his Twitter site, where one of his tweets verged on the homophobic.

Goodness, just what will his pal, the former Bishop of Edinburgh, Richard Holloway, think of that? I can't see him approving of homophobia.

It could even lead to the involvement of Peter Tatchell. And what would Creep's bosses at the politically correct Times of London do if that happened?

Think of the unsavoury publicity for his ailing organ. I do not think his politically correct paymasters in London would be impressed.

And imagine the next time Creep is attempting to parade his left-liberal all-inclusive credentials with the luvvies he mixes with on Byres Road?

The next occasion one of them spots Creep in Hillhead Library they may even advise him to seek counselling for what they may believe is his homophobia.

Perhaps they could also direct him to an ENT specialist to cure an apparent hearing disorder which Creep seems to suffer from every time he is near Celtic supporters bellowing their songs and chants of support for the murderers who took the life of that young Roman Catholic police officer.

Or maybe Creep, like many Celtic supporters, is just too afraid of the Green Brigade to tell it like it is.


ADVERTISING agency executives are becoming increasingly perplexed at some of the figures published on the allmediascotland site.

The latest figures, which appear today, have added to the confusion among those executives.

According to an article on the media news and views site about Odious Creep, the Times of London's Scottish edition sells AROUND 24,000 copies.

Yet, when allmediascotland published the last set of OFFICIAL ABCs on March 11, the circulation of the Times of London's Scottish edition was 21,000.

That OFFICIAL AUDITED figure represented a dramatic dive of 10.5percent on what the Times of London's Scottish edition had sold a year earlier.

Either the man who penned the allmediascotland article about Creep has looked at the figures from the wrong year, or....


Advertising agency executives await clarification from the allmediascotland site at the earliest possible opportunity.

I think they should be told.

Martin O'Neill will manage a Celtic select in a testimonial match

Celtic will honour defender John Kennedy with a testimonial match between Neil Lennon’s side and a Seville select” in a match that will see Martin O’Neill return to the touchline at Parkhead.

Former Hoops manager O’Neill will take charge of a side comprising of players who feature in the club’s memorable UEFA Cup run of 2002/03 in the match. The team will face current players in a match scheduled for May 22, the day after the Scottish Cup final.

Current manager Neil Lennon and two members of his backroom staff, Johan Mjallby and Alan Thompson, were in the team which lost 3-2 to Porto after extra time in the 2003 UEFA Cup final.

Also in the starting line-up were goalkeeper Robert Douglas, Didier Agathe, Joos Valgaeren, Bobo Balde, Paul Lambert, Stiliyan Petrov, Chris Sutton and marksman Henrik Larsson.

Jackie McNamara, Ulrik Laursen and current Celtic player Shaun Maloney were the used substitutes in the match, with Magnus Hedman, Mo Sylla, Jamie Smith and David Fernandez also in the team.
St Johnstone 0 - 1 Celtic


Beram Kayal scored his first goal for Celtic to defeat St Johnstone and lift his side five points clear at the top of the Scottish Premier League.

Kris Commons and Georgios Samaras had already been denied by goalkeeper Graeme Smith before Kayal flicked the ball in on the stroke of half-time.

Liam Craig forced a good save from Celtic's Fraser Forster as Saints improved after the break.

Celtic were denied a late penalty following a Michael Duberry hand ball.

But they did enough to secure a win that stretched the Perth side's run to 10 league games without a win, the last five of those without a goal.

SPL post-split fixtures
The Clydesdale Bank Premier League post-split fixtures for 2010/11 have now been confirmed. The first games take place on April 23, with the season finishing on Sunday May 15.


Saturday April 23
Dundee United v Kilmarnock - 12.15pm (Sky Sports)
Hearts v Motherwell - 3pm

Sunday April 24
Rangers v Celtic – 12.30pm (Sky Sports)

Sunday April 24
Hibernian v St Mirren – 3pm

Monday April 25
St Johnstone v Inverness CT – 2pm (ESPN)
Hamilton Accies v Aberdeen – 4.15pm (ESPN)


Saturday April 30
Kilmarnock v Hearts – 3pm
Motherwell v Rangers – 12 noon (ESPN)

Sunday May 1
Celtic v Dundee United – 12.45pm (Sky Sports

Saturday April 30
Aberdeen v Inverness CT – 3pm
Hibernian v St Johnstone – 3pm

Monday May 2
St Mirren v Hamilton Accies – 3pm (ESPN)


Saturday May 7
Dundee United v Motherwell – 3pm
Rangers v Hearts – 12.15pm (Sky Sports)

Sunday May 8
Kilmarnock v Celtic – 12.45pm (Sky Sports

Saturday May 7
Aberdeen v St Johnstone – 3pm
Hamilton Accies v Hibernian – 3pm
Inverness CT v St Mirren – 3pm


Tuesday May 10
Rangers v Dundee United – 7.45pm (Sky Sports)

Wednesday May 11
Hearts v Celtic – 7.45pm (Sky Sports)
Motherwell v Kilmarnock – 7.45pm

Tuesday May 10
Aberdeen v St Mirren – 7.45pm
St Johnstone v Hamilton Accies – 7.45pm

Wednesday May 11
Inverness CT v Hibernian – 7.45pm


Sunday May 15
Celtic v Motherwell – 12.30pm
Dundee United v Hearts – 12.30pm
Kilmarnock v Rangers – 12.30pm

Saturday May 14
Hamilton Accies v Inverness CT – 3pm
Hibernian v Aberdeen – 3pm
St Mirren v St Johnstone – 3pm

Sky Sports will select two games on the final day of the season to be announced in due course.

Season 2011/12 begins on July 23. Fixtures published June 17.

All fixtures subject to change. © The Scottish Premier League Limited 2011
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CELTIC will travel to play Inverness Caley Thistle on Wednesday, May 4. The SPL match will have a 6pm kick-off.

The game was originally scheduled for April 2, but was postponed due to a waterlogged pitch.
fakeover delayed until the end of the season... Jackanory :)

i did say it wouldnt happen
have a roll and bacon on with one of the boys in work that also posts on this that i did say it wouldnt happen bottom line the only reason sky ran the last story saying it was imminent was to mask murrays annual accounts hitting the city that day... he is playing the media.. i really cant see this takeover going anywhere till the tax case is settled.
not at all just thought id post it for the hoops fans out there who may be interested...