Cd Cover Section


Staff member
Jan 19, 1999
Reaction score
Right i ahve fully intergrated this hack into the forums ... it is now a little buggy but it looks and feels 10 times better

please use the link above saying DIGITAL WORLD CD COVERS <--- under the red banner lol if you cant find it still you need new glasses !!!!

tell me what you think of the new look and feel to the cover section and while you are there upload a few covers ... that would be a much nicer touch :)
havent integrated a hack that makes you the champion of all the games too have you m8 lmao, just looks a bit dodgey lol
well done mickie looks great m8 better than the basic thing we had

:Clap: :Clap:
Nice one Mickie m8 looks very professional,

can you put a little bit one end:rolleyes:

Digita World Cover Site sponsered by Manchester United Football club?? lol

Just a tiny crest will do m8

looks very smart

regards Scoot;) :T :Clap:
well i tell you a little secret it has nothing different but i added a header that matched digital world and footer ;)

and then i just added it to a php page :) to intergrate it into the forums :)

and changed the background colour to match ours :)

but yes it does look the part now !!!

and hopefully you lot will upload some covers for us