
before this thread gets even more silly im just gonna say that realisticly you can go around killing peoples cats as and when they come into your garden so your best bet is to make your garden so cats cant easily get in, block any gaps in your fence and put wire or something on top so they cant climb over and before anyone says "I shouldnt have to" you do have to because you dont want them in your garden.
i used to have a cat, and where i live, there are also wild cats, as my cat was a female, i used to get the wild toms howling all night (and other peoples toms) in the back garden, and i used to use my high powered (with low light scopes) rifle to shoot the ground / fence VERY close to them, they soon stopped coming back

my cat vanished just over a year ago (one of over 50 'small' cats over the last few years) when i was working away, as my missus didnt go round to my house to let the cat back in overnight. we have some very large owls, that people have suspected of snatching, and eating the smaller cats in the nights, especially the ones that have vanished without a trace have all had light markings on them. the very first night my cat was unable to get back into the house, she vanished without a trace/ she had been microchipped, and never went very far, you could whistle and shake a food box and shed come running

since then, about 6 cats that i know of that people have owned, all with some form of light marking, have all vanished overnight at some point

but, back on topic, shooting the ground close to their paws sends them a message and they soon stop coming back
What cat owners should use to transport moggies
Could be worse...they could have apposable thumbs lol

I must say, I am astounded by the intelligence of some of our members!

Sent from my mobile device using fingers and thumbs!
Just take some good strong "mustard" and plain white vinigar, 2 big spoons each, half liter of water. Shake it and spray it . cats H8TE it ! (this is no joke, I had the cat problem as well even with a dog in the garden they came into the garden and shit as they pleased ....) Repeat after rainshower or every 1 week.
And that expensive stuff in the shop is b*lsh*t ...Don't buy it, does not work. (of course the paintgun will work as well ;)

Thank you Wolftje.
I'm seriously interested in this...

American, German and Dijon mustard are weak by English mustard standards. Are you talking about two tablespoons of English Colemans mustard powder or something even stronger (if it exists)? Does it have to be white vinegar or will the standard (fish and chips) malt stuff do?

I don't have any antifreeze anyway. If I get that desperate for a drink, I'll dig out my Brasso and meths. <g>

BTW, Rin Tin Tin might be Belgium's greatest cat chaser, but Vincent Kompany is Belgium's greatest title-chaser! :)))
I must say, I am astounded by the intelligence of some of our members!

Sent from my mobile device using fingers and thumbs!

I'm not sure about what your sig picture is of, but there does seem to be a resemblance to one of my favourite creatures. I pay £20 a year towards protecting them from cats (their main killer in towns and cities). I've had Pips get so accustomed to my presence that they'd fly right by me. I also got a fox to eat peppermint Aero from my hand and a chicken bone from my mouth (NO, not kissing!).

I used to be pretty good with horses too. I was never a great rider, but could control ex-racehorses that others couldn't and befriend Arabs that would then do whatever I asked on a really loose rein.

After an ex-girlfriend left me in charge of her cat for a month, she was shocked that I could voice-command it to stay out of the kitchen whilst preparing his food. Her daughter thought I must have somehow bullied it, but this was back in the 80s. I've since seen Cesar Millan doing almost exactly the same to show dogs where their boundaries are. I didn't need to even touch her cat; hissing and repeating, "Out" was enough. They might pretend to be stupid, though in control, but they're neither. My GF's daughter was well p*ss*d off that the furry flea bag only wanted my lap once she got back!

I've always been good with animals, but I miss that cat especially. It would have made a wonderful Russian hat!
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