Cant telnetenable.exe


Inactive User
Jan 5, 2007
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Hi guys,

im tryin to unlock a vm netgear WGR614v9 so i can put the original fw back on it but i cant telnetenable.exe as i get a message saying

telnetenable.exe not recognized

I have the telnetenable.exe file on my desktop and my mac address is my Lan but still no joy. can anyone please advise
what version of winodows you on? vista?

just a thought, i'd normally use telnet like this

telnet ip address of device

You need to download the 'telnetenable' tool - it's not part of Windows.

Try here

then this...

enable telnet
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After using the links provided by Dibbers here is what you should do. Download from

VPN Case Study Site
you will also find this documentation.

Login to Windows using an account which has administrative privileges (needed for sending custom crafted network packets which this tool does).

Get the MAC address of your Netgear router. You can look it up on the web interface of your router (Maintenance > Router status > LAN port > MAC Address).

Make a note of the MAC address - remove any minus signs ( - ) or colons ( : ), replace all characters by their upper case representation (a -> A, d-> D etc.)

Type telnetenable.exe, the IP address of your router (e.g., add another space (" "), the MAC address and append " Gearguy Geardog".

The result should look similar to this:

telnetenable.exe 000FB5A2BE26 Gearguy Geardog

Now press Enter to run the tool. It should return to the shell with no error. If it takes a long time and returns a 'send failed' error message, just try again.

Log in to your router by typing: telnet ( add the IP of your router here e.g. telnet

then press enter

You should not be prompted a login and password, but if you do the login is Gearguy and the password is

Geardog - Correct character case is important.

On a successful authentication you will get a prompt such as:

U12H09400 >

Type burnboardid U12H094T00_NETGEAR

Type reboot

That's it you should be up and running

If you get stuck let us know.