C Line - Scambled Channel


Inactive User
Jun 29, 2011
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Hi Guys a failry new stumbling newbie here.

I have Clines and have uploaded them. They are in my settings and seeing cards, this issue I have is that when trying to see anything on sly then I get "scrambled channel". Ive tried rebooting, factory reset and the loading everything back up. I can see the satelite, I get all the free to air channels and i can see the router and all online services.

Any help at all with something |I might be missing would be very much appreciated.

Thanks in advance

I am having no problems with the channels you mention. Which Spiderbox do you have?
Its a paid for C Line service (hope I can say that), I have been back to them a few times and they have now asked me to do the Boxer update, which I did and it managed to wipe everything. Ive since put everything back on and it still does not work
are you sure u have put the correct line in ? and it is in the correct place ?
there are 5 lines and they are under "client" in network
Rows 1,2,3,4, and 5 CCCAM........
They seem to be reported as connected and how many cards they have against each of them
I also uploaded them via a .CFG file I was sent so the codes should be correct
Hi Yes, everything else is working fine.

I really appreciate all the input guys this is great
Can you clear channels using the line on other sats than 28.2e?

If you can it sounds like a issue from your provider
sorry I think I misunderstood, the channels I get on the other sats like 19.2 i get without the Cline.
When your watching these channels press info twice, this will either say ethernet or the line that is clearing the channel, check which?
on Canal+ futbol it says source:2.1.2 sd.larache.org. larache is actually part of the Cline code, does that mean its clearing foreign channels but not sly ?

By the way im also in Blackpool lol
Yeah it is clearing foreign sats, so I would deffo be thinking its a issue with the line provider.

Blackpool, lol small world
Thanks Stu, appreciate the help, ill go back to them and kick off haha

Many thanks everyone for your input, its appreciated.

Hi Guys, just want to say thanks for all your help. The provider seems to have done something as I rebooted thia am and its now working.

Many thanks for all your input, it was very much appreciated.

