box back or £40.00


Inactive User
Aug 9, 2001
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i think that this was just on the radio that ondigital customers are to be sent a letter saying that they must return there box or pay 40 squid i just heard the tail end ot the story. sorry if this old news but i have only just got to know about it . does any one else know about this ?
I heard the same as you this morning on the radio also, bloody sure I'll be paying £39.99, if they can come and get the box if they want it that bad!! :Chainsaw:
they can kiss my feckin ass,

Scoot doesnt live here any more anyway, ilmao

ps cheeky ferkers £39.00 quid ,

it used to cost me more than that to run my elvis with the electric,lol,

regards scoot:pimp:
s'pose I better get the cheque book out then.....not.:mad: :mad:

Now they are threatening to send debt collectors after us if we refuse to co-operate! (see below)

After all we suffered through their shoddy service, it's pretty low. But surely its a bluff... I mean, how much will they sell second hand boxes for anyway?

Here's their latest statement:

Joint liquidators Malcolm Shierson and Martin Ellis said "The set-top boxes are potentially a major asset in the liquidation.
"Should subscribers refuse to return the boxes or buy them outright, the liquidators reserve the right to sell the assets to a debt-collection agency."
The Consumers' Association accused the liquidators of treating former subscribers like "low-hanging fruit" - easy pickings in attempts to claw back ITV Digital's huge losses.
It advised customers to think carefully before taking up the offer to purchase their boxes.
Allan Williams, senior policy adviser at the Consumers' Association, said: "This course of action is legally correct, but it further damages consumer confidence in digital TV.
"This is another setback to the Government's plans for digital switchover.
"Up to one million consumers could lose access to digital services if they can't or won't pay. The ITV Digital debacle is not over yet."
:mad: :mad:
Why not send them a letter enclosing an invoice for £50 storage charges, saying you're prepared to accept the box as part payment and look forward to receiving their cheque for £10 in settlement of the balance...


Reckon this could worry a few people who ended up selling their boxes.

Have they considered that fact, when they went bust they should have warned people that they would be recalling the boxes as I believe it was mentioned but decided at the end not to as not a viable proposition at the time.

That being so then people would not want junk filling up their homes and would have sold them.

I am sure when I see these boxes for sale in shops it stated 'Buy for £xx' .... never said lease or hire for £xx.

If you had hired or leased or whatever then any faults with box would have been down to them to repair ... not for you to go and purchase another after say 2 or 3 or even 10 years (if they had stayed that long) ... they would have been obligated to repair or replace .... and I think we all know the answer thay would have given ..... so you must have bought and not leased etc.

Think it has to be all rot.

Otherwise, do as Sparky suggested, they would have to swallow.
No mention of IDTV owners? Yes there are some.

The box is just bolted on inside though, pretty sure my telly
would work without it too.

It's all rubbish though. The boxes you originally 'bought' are
surely too old to be worth anything. So maybe they will turn it
into an upgrading deal, and con you out of £40 that way.
idtv viewers received a cam for their tv and should still work without the cam on all fta channels, so there would be no point in them trying to claw back the cams.
Also if itv force me to return the stb then the board will be getting fried. If i can't have it then no one else will.:Kickassro
Hi IanBBB, not with you on the 'cam'. What's that then?

With you on the I'll smash it before you get it back idea,

As has already been raised, I too thought these boxes were 'purchases'. Once you had it, it was yours, especially if
it needed repairing.

I'm sure it is just a scam too,

after all, rumours are fun arent they?
búll**** búll**** búll**** lol

not aimed at you guys but i dont care what the hell they say i am telling them when the ****ty itv went off the air i chucked the pile of junk away!!!

fúck them with a large stick !!!

aint getting any 40 squids from me !!!
a cam (conditional access module) was requiered for idtvs to receive paid for or subscripton channels. This was made available the same way as digi boxes were from itv digital. the same connection fee was payable. You do not need the cam for fta (free to air) channels so the cams are as much use as an ashtray on a motor bike. Not worth itv digitals time recalling them.
I agree with sparky why don't we charge them for storage. At the end of the the £40 out of all 1.2million customers that means we'll have payed off a bulk of there debts.

But if we all pay then by right we all then have shares in the company and then they can chace us up for more of the debt money.

i reckon we should send them the monkey and tell them for what got it cost them peanuts now heres the monkey for them to play with.
:Smileysex them.
Lets wait untill some one recieves a letter asking for cash/send it back,............ the storage excuse sounds the best one at the moment, in my eyes ................. but as it my have been mentioned before, when ***digital hit the wall they wanted their boxes back at our expence, a letter was sent to me months ago by ***digital saying.......send the box back or you will be billed for response to that letter was; send someone out to collect it m8, I for one will not pay £11 postage on it!!!..........even though ***digital credited my account with 3 months subscription charges that they continued to take out..............havent heard nowt since......

Now the liquidators are in control and have debt collecter agencies working with them it may prove difficult to avoid them, hence...if you dont pay or return the box you will face being blacklisted .............(the wife knows more about this stuff as she used to work for a debt collection agent, sad but true)

So if they want my box and all else fails trying to keep the box, they will find a fresh can of pepsi max poured into it....thats if they send a letter that they are coming to collect

for the peeps that have got rid of their boxes.........try putting an ad on ebay asking for damaged sure there are lots around.........
