Bet U Cant Do this


VIP Member
VIP Member
Aug 29, 2001
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Click on link then click on blue circle. Use the rules below.
Apparently this is an IQ test given to job applicants in Japan.

The Rules :
Click on link then click on blue circle. Use the rules below.
Apparently this is an IQ test given to job applicants in Japan.
Everybody has to cross the river.
The following rules apply:
Only two persons on the raft at a time.
The father cannot stay with any of the daughters without their mother's presence.
The mother cannot stay with any of the sons without their father's presence.
The thief (striped shirt) cannot stay with any family member if the policeman is not there.
Only the father, the mother and the policeman know how to operate the raft.
To start, click on the big blue circle on the right.
To move the people, click on them.
To move the raft, click on the pole on the opposite side of the river.
Give u all something to do over the weekend lol :salute: :Bounce:
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u aint done it Napster GRRRRR ur winding me up
it great m8 when you get them all across they wave there arms up and down,
you ask dark angel
im on the phone to DA now lol shes talking me through it pmsl
think I have it now RABP ;)
this shows I have done it,but I havent lol
put lady on raft right click press play
then add man to raft right click press play and there all over the other sude lol ;)
I did it eventually, this is the same as the one with the Farmer, Chicken, Corn, fox and some other things. Nice puzzle though. :)
Must admit more people found it easier than I thought
Wind up

Thought at first was a wind up but does conclude, policeman and burglar were last after a few trips,if this at an interview what would happen here with todays youth .