Best way to feed hunt on TM 5420HD Super

i want to thank everybody for their help - found some interesting stuff this morning on 7 East 11000 - 11200 V - seems to be a hotspot for Globalcast feeds so enjoyed Arsenal TV (albeit a 2009/10 season game showing) and a few comical newscasters reading their scripts waiting to go to air. Also a few foreign (Portugese i think as the feed began with POR) news reporters on the street who seemed to be opening and closing the channel when needed plus a few audio only strange feeds which seemed to be in a church

im just getting to grips with each satellite at a time but i was really encouraged by the amount of feeds popping up on 7 E now ive got the exact frequency ranges to pin down - the only issue being how short their duration is before theyre gone but i guess thats the nature of feeds and it was good to see that a few popped back up again so it was worth storing them on the channel list

when i do the scan im also picking up about 50 other duplicate channels but its easy enough to delete them on the box after a scan
feedhunting is great isnt it - much less passive than just watching tv - found today on 10 E 12600-12750 a few feeds one called Sat Van 2 where an Irish reporter was at a school and waiting to be connected to from the news studios and she was proper bitching about the news reader then after theyd done the news reader complained that she had asked a question and she'd not responded - great tv!

at the moment in that range is also a camera panning around an empty conference hall

is there any point me making a Favourites group on the 5402 for feeds? do they often return to air on the same tp and frequency? ive got quite a few now and the odd one does come back to life
Hi again badman56,

a few audio only strange feeds

If there is sound only and the feed is not encrypted... this will probably be a feed that uses the 4:2:2 codec system for transmission...

feedhunting is great isnt it

Yes it is mate... but it would be even better if the 'Blind Search' scanner worked properly/accurately... and the feed scanning process would be even better if you could screen out most of/all of the regular bouquet frequencies which usually use the very high symbol rates...

The 'Blind Search' scanner on the earlier SD (Standard Definition) Technomate receivers were great for feedhunting as you could screen out all of the very high symbol rates... as an example... these are the 'Blind Search' scanner settings as they appear in my TM 5400 CI+ USB (SD)

TP: 10.700 ~ 12.750
Polarity: V/H/ALL

S/R Search
7.5 MS/s Over
7.5 MS/s Under
3.7 MS/s Under

Why on earth can't these/similar 'Blind Search' scanner settings be incorporated into the newer generation Technomate receivers...? Only Technomate and their engineers/software writers know the answer to this one... but they are not telling...

I can see only two possibilities...

(1) The Technomate engineers/software writers are no longer capable/experienced enough to incorporate this feature into the Hardware/Firmware/Software.

(2) They can't be bothered because they think it's not that important to have a really good 'Blind Search' scanner feature on their receivers.

I believe that the answer lies in the second option... personally I am getting rather frustrated with the newer generation Technomate receivers... and especially with Technomate's attitude to their customers and the ever diminishing support for their receivers... I think that it might be time that I moved on to something better ...something which has virtually everything I want from a receiver... Dr HD F-15

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I have always bought your products and I have been a loyal customer for the last 8 years or more... but unless things change dramatically... I can't see myself buying any more...

Lastly... why can't someone from the Technomate heirachy come onto the forum and just tell us all what the situation is...?

Sorry for having another rant... but it seems like things are never going to change... are they...?

Read this also...

Best Wishes,
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Is the Dr.HD F15 a new receiver I have my doubts it looks like a Blade 7000 if the Blade 7000 is a clone of the Dr.HD F15 then this is a clone of the TM5402HD,

The Blade 7000 has a blind scan glitch exactly the same as the TM5402HD & finds 45,000 symbol rate when a low symbol rate is in use,

I do hope that the Dr.HD F15 is as it has been portrayed but did you know that there were loads of different versions of the TM1000 made in the same factory under a different brand names,
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I really thought TM/Phantom(s) had begun to listen to us a few weeks ago, yet here we are apparently back to square one and NO sensible new patches etc which would co-ordinate ALL the benefits we have all highlighted AS REQUESTED - all to hopefully incorporate everything into ONE 'universal ' patch - obviously tailored individually to the different models as before - yet WHAT HAVE WE NOW - nothing!!
Come on Technomate, you cant DELETE this post because you dont like whats being said to you - as you do nowadays like spoilt brats on the 'Update' Site Download Centre, but surely you MUST realise that you simply wont sell any more TM receivers with all this sham amateur bullshit you keep on and on feeding us with!
Maybe going down on bended knees to DM might bring back the sunny days for you and your perilously-near to extinction company?:Mad2:
The blade was first I believe, followed by TM etc.
The TM1000 series and clarke tech etc were same hw.
They are all oem copies with different boot loaders etc.
Its down to how much is paid to the engineers to how much each receiver can do.