Best image


Inactive User
Dec 29, 2008
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I have had the sportster 1.75 for years, is the New laky - sylas image easy to flash?
I can ftp to my box but thats it so far.

Total newbeee, I am reading a dbox guide

Dboxes can be funny, an image thats good for one box might be naff for another so sometimes maybe play around with a few.

Saying that most of the newer images are very good and shouldnt be a problem and the laky sylus and commando 10c are excellent images as well as few others.

They are fta images so will need to ftp other files to the images. So do as much reading as you can and a search on magic files etc to give you an idea of what you need to do.

The new laky - sylas image is the best I've had so far but as mastichick sys it might be great on some and not so good for others but I've had no trouble with it.

search and read up on/about FTP ROM7 file if you flash this image though... All the info is out there!!
Im very impressed with the new image, But you must read the tut's take your time and what these clever guys are giving us is very impressive. but you must read the the tut's and posts and work your way through it.
The best Image of the year by a wide margin is Commando 10c (soon to be updated to Commando 10d- The Final Frontier)

...followed a long way behind in second place by \/irgin+2.1 Lite (for TV & Radio only- no fancy frills)

Cheers- AL :)
the best image is the one that works,i myself like the original laky image for some reason
has been the best image i just update that, my box didn't like the updated version don't know why, so for me its horse's for course's . so try them all till you find the one you like