Best image for tm800hd ?

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Why do users have to wait for a new product to be released ,for TM to have a fully working image released for a old product?
Surely sort out the old before risking releasing a new product?
PS nice to see out friend back, thought multiple accounts was maybe bannable offence?
Dr linux/Linux Dreamer account has been set to inactive for over a month manic :)


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Why do users have to wait for a new product to be released ,for TM to have a fully working image released for a old product?
Surely sort out the old before risking releasing a new product?
PS nice to see out friend back, thought multiple accounts was maybe bannable offence?

Unfortunately I think this is a normal manufacturing process, the production line has to be pre booked to assemble the product, breaking deadlines from either party can lead into expensive penalties, which is probably one reason Technomate feel they need to release this product
We have to remember from design to production takes time, and at every step people need to be on time
The above is my opinion, but I doubt it will be far wrong.
the production line has to be pre booked to assemble the product....

Makes you wonder why Richard made a speech saying the iQ team would be solely dedicated to work non-stop until the issues were resolved when he knew way in advance that they would in fact be giving his new product priority. Just more bullshit from the scenes biggest bullshiters :Angryfire
Makes you wonder why Richard made a speech saying the iQ team would be solely dedicated to work non-stop until the issues were resolved when he knew way in advance that they would in fact be giving his new product priority. Just more bullshit from the scenes biggest bullshiters :Angryfire

Think its fair to say, I doubt anyone knew the 800 image would have taken so long.

Infairness to Richard he dont write the software and can only go on what the devolpmentment team have told him, and in one way that still stands today for any future release.

So I personally cant blame Technomate - but hey ho everyone has there opinion

There really no point into getting into a slanging match, what will be, will be - as its got as nowhere in the past
I predict 26th of this month we might see some action if not. Both my TM800 will probably just end up in the loft as there will be no point selling, purely due to the fact who ever buys them will just complain and probably leave negative feedback! Lose-lose situation!
I predict 26th of this month we might see some action if not. Both my TM800 will probably just end up in the loft as there will be no point selling, purely due to the fact who ever buys them will just complain and probably leave negative feedback! Lose-lose situation!

I am not sure people will complain, the box is faultless for watching TV on 28 degrees, I mean compared to my sky HD box i strongly believe the picture quality is superior.

Its annoying that small things like time shift dont work, becuase if you got kids and you smoke, and you are responsible and do not smoke in front of them and nip outside for a few minutes, it does get on your wick you missed a few minutes of the show you were watching becuase the adverts finished before you, aswhere if the timeshift worked this wouldnt have been an issue.

Old issues such as green screens, low hd volume and lipsync dont appear to be an issue these days.
i agree with rickie manufacturing process mainly related to time keeping.production line has to be pre booked long in advance to assemble the product, stopping assembly line lead into very expensive cost, which is probably why tm has to delay old should all know this can happen to any manufacturer
this is my opinion. i have tm800 with latest image for what i paid is a good box at £149 what else original is in the market
please do not mention clone anything i buy is original also don't want to know if clone is better then original may be in functions debatable not quality durability and service ,
makes me wonder why all these criticism also making such a big deal out of it when box does produce very stabile good picture performance only functions i foundis not working
multimedia step forward rewind
internal Sata {i use usb adaptor which works ok }
time shift not smoker when did i use time shift on my old box must have been few years back.
why should i have to wait for a new image when i am happy with what is offering today at the price i paid
tm has promised to have a fully working image released after tm twin so i enjoy using it now why should i turn it off and leave it in the loft.
Surely they sort out reaming functions but not risking big losses to stop production of a new receiver?
as far as i know iQ team solely dedicated to work non-stop until tm twin image is finished after that all issues of tm800 will be fixed in fact giving new product priority must have been for commercial reason .
No box is faultless today for watching i mean compared to tm800 i do believe the picture quality is superior to any box at today's price .
Old issues are fixed don't appear to create any head line in any forums these days
I for one am not going to argue with sat racer because I am sure the user knows more than me

However I would also like to add to something he mentioned about the commercial side of things, which is another reason it is important to get the TM-Twin to market and another good reason why I see it has been prioritized.

Again I have not been told this, but I will use my understanding of business and make a guestermation - this is not factual and could be completely wrong.

The production line is not going to produce 20 units, I would guess the first batch will be about 1000 units, based on the RRP which I have been told, this TM-Twin will cost I guess boxed up and shipped to the Uk around £200 wholesale (TM's price) that’s £200'000 worth of stock sitting on shelves waiting to resale, which for any business is allot of cash flow money

Which is why, they need to get it on the resale market.

Any quantities quoted and prices quoted are an educated guess by me, and I could be way of actual numbers and prices
The point is if you just wanted to watch TV on 28.2E you could buy a 60 quid Openbox S10...Theres no need to spend 250/200/140 on a TM800HD. Anyway this secondary not important. The important bit is you shouldnt have a reciever still not able to work as advertised nearly 2 years after launch following several broken promises and mistruths. Make whatever excuses you want about production line, comemrcial decision, new's all one big joke..

Sat Racer has confirmed in his post that IQ Team are working on the TW TWIN image...will be intresting to see how that turns out considering how useless IQ TEAM were on the TM800 image..also makes you think if UR/IQ are involved is this still IT Gate produced hardware..why else would UR/IQ be involved..i've never seen their images on any other non IT GATE hardware...
If theyre offering a full trade in for a TM800 at 149 quid (current retail price) against the TM TWIN than that indeed would be a good gesture for all the poor support on the TM800.
I actually made a point only saying 28.2, because I have a problem on 13 degrees, however after speaking to other members it seems the problem is with me only and probably due to my dish has moved out of line a little bit.

Therefore I believe this is a problem with my setup, not the 800HD

In addition the Openbox S10 is ugly, and I would'nt want that on my rack
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it seems some members do not use tm800 to know its capable of navigating over 30 motorised satellite from 30 west to 45 east
with over 7000 channels
therefore i believe bring it back from your loft try with latest image you will wonder how good and stable it is.
In addition my opinion of clone is totally out of window don't want to know about them openbox S10 or any other ugly box, I wouldn't want that in my dustbin,
However I would like to say without testing new image some members should think twice before making any comments
adding few good features of this box is top quality picture which take mike out my sky box commercial side of delay is a decision of any manufacture has right to do which is another reason to get the tm twin to the market .
the important point is to utilise what you have now to compare to some rubbish sold on the cheap
still not able to work as advertised nearly 2 years this is not true over 95% of functions working
watching my tm800 for 2 hours or more can not see any problem if timeshift is life line of some users i have no comment.
in my opinion iQ team have done an excellent work to make such good stabile image few function which is not related to performance durability and to quality of picture will not put me off at all also who manufacture or sell not relevant when this box works is great for me.
why some members should think to full refund or some.
i mentioned this in my last post full refund was offered by tm from day one as well as 10 month later why some moaners did not take it i wonder.
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This just pathetic why is this allowed to go on. Why not call this thread the tm800 love in thread. The question below by the op is not what you guys are talking about.

Guys i know there is a lot of moans/groans about the tm800hd, but can someone tell me what the best/stable image there is out to date please, i currently have

Enigma : openpli 2011-6-7-HEAD
Image : Tm800-IQ-26-7-2011

This just pathetic why is this allowed to go on. Why not call this thread the tm800 love in thread. The question below by the op is not what you guys are talking about.

I agree and and will close this thread as soon as I get back on my pc

Sent from my X10i using Tapatalk

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