From cccam CLINE to oscam_What am I doing wrong?


Inactive User
May 30, 2019
Reaction score
Hi Everyone,

VU+ Solo 4K, running OpenPLI 6.1, and an original TV Vlaanderen card.

My card is in the CI slot working, but this company has treated me like I was a piece of sh*t, so I want to cancel my account.
Hence I would like to change to a premium server.

As an example I got this Cline (Cccam) from somebody, and I wanted to give it a try, but it just won't work.
I already have been working on this problem for a full 2 days now, and it just won't work, now I'm desperate.
I also have read some topics in this forum, but all without any luck.
Please bear in mind that the CLINE was tested (on a Dreambox) before and after my modifications, so it works 100%

Here is the (modified) Cline: ** 22300 MmzjYw tNK82n

Is there someone who could help me with this, please?

Hereby oscam.config:
disablelog = 1
disableuserfile = 1
usrfileflag = 0
maxlogsize = 10
preferlocalcards = 1
saveinithistory = 1
lb_mode = 0
unlock_parental = 1

port = 12005

httpport = 8081
httpallowed =,,,

enabled = 1
pmt_mode = 6
au = 1
user = dvbapiau
boxtype = dreambox

Hereby oscam.server:
label = lower_card
enable = 1
protocol = internal
device = /dev/sci0
#ecmwhitelist = 0100@00006A:64
#ecmheaderwhitelist = 800061006A00075C00,800061006A01075C00,803061006A00 075C00,803061006A01075C00,810061006A00075C00,81006 1006A01075C00,813061006A00075C00,813061006A01075C0 0
detect = cd
group = 1
emmcache = 1,3,15
audisabled = 0
mhz = 357
cardmhz = 2700
ratelimitecm = 4
ratelimittime = 10000
ecmunique = 1
srvidholdtime = 2000
cooldown = 30,600

label = upper_card
enable = 1
protocol = internal
device = /dev/sci1
#ecmwhitelist = 0100@00006A:64
#ecmheaderwhitelist = 800061006A00075C00,800061006A01075C00,803061006A00 075C00,803061006A01075C00,810061006A00075C00,81006 1006A01075C00,813061006A00075C00,813061006A01075C0 0
detect = cd
group = 1
emmcache = 1,3,15
audisabled = 0
mhz = 357
cardmhz = 2700
ratelimitecm = 4
ratelimittime = 10000
ecmunique = 1
srvidholdtime = 2000
cooldown = 30,600

label = Mainreceiver
enable = 0
protocol = cs378x
device = ip_adress_mainreceiver,12005
user = 2nd_box
password = 2nd_box
group = 1

label = CCcam-server
enable = 0
protocol = cccam
device = ip_adress_server,12001
user = user
password = password
group = 1
cccversion = 2.3.0
cccmaxhops = 2
ccckeepalive = 1
audisabled = 1

Hereby oscam.server modifield version, I have ONLY changed the last part, the rest of it I did not change:
label = CCcam-server
enable = 1
protocol = cccam
device =**,22300
user = MmzjYw
password = tNK82n
group = 1
cccversion = 2.3.0
cccmaxhops = 2
ccckeepalive = 1
audisabled = 1

Hereby oscam.user:
user = dvbapiau
pwd =
disabled = 0
group = 1
au = 1

Hereby oscam.user modifield version:
user = dvbapiau
pwd =
disabled = 0
group = 1
au = 1

user = MmzjYw
pwd = tNK82n
disabled = 0
group = 1
au = 1

All help is very welcome!

Could anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?


try this


logfile = /tmp/oscam.log
nice = -1
maxlogsize = 5
netprio = 1

enabled = 1
pmt_mode = 0
user = dvbapiuser
read_sdt = 2
write_sdt_prov = 1
boxtype = dreambox

httpport = 83
httprefresh = 5
httphideidleclients = 0
httpshowreaderinfo = 1
httpshowecminfo = 1
httpallowed =,
http_status_log = 1


label = cline
protocol = cccam
device = <server>,<port>
key = 0102030405060708091011121314
user = <username>
password = <password>
inactivitytimeout = 1
group = 1
cccversion = 2.3.0
cccmaxhops = 2
ccckeepalive = 1


user = dvbapiuser
group = 1