Average speed cameras go digital


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Mar 5, 2006
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New UK speed cameras unavoidable - Average speed cameras go digital

British motorists will be monitored by a wave of new digital average speed cameras from next year, after successful trials in London.

Current average speed cameras work using cables, meaning that speed is simply measured between two cameras. The new digital technology can link up to 50 cameras, allowing them to monitor areas up to 15 miles apart using the number plate recognition technology already in use. It is expected to approved by the Home Office in January 2009, with installation beginning in the summer.

Transport minister Jim Fitzpatrick said, “The latest cameras will give a more sophisticated edge to cameras than the blunt instrument we have at the moment. Wherever there are average speed cameras, traffic moves at a uniform speed and crashes are reduced.”

Digital technology is also effective as it allows an unlimited number of photos to be stored. The new system will typically cost around £300,000 per network.

Autocar - Average speed cameras go digital

SPEED CAMERAS, no one really likes them, but here we are again facing another litter of cameras - and this time they say we can't possibly avoid them.

This is all well and good - a pat on the back for making our roads safer places to drive - but do we really need to be monitored Big Brother stylie wherever we go?

Apparently so. These new cameras known as Specs3 will appear in clusters of 50 working in a network and will monitor every driver's average speed as they travel.

Similar cameras have been deployed in recent years, mainly on motorways with ongoing road works, however these were easily avoidable by coming off at a junction before the next one caught you - these new and improved versions will be pasted at every entrance and exit meaning, short of ploughing through a corn field, you can't escape.

These cameras can be placed up to 15 miles apart from each other and still automatically read number plates and transmit this data in an instant to a penalty processing centre.


Police have trialled the cameras in London already and say that the results were promising. A second set of trials will conclude in Northern Ireland this week.

Road Safety Minister, Jim Fitzpatrick said this week that , “When the Home Office approves the equipment, I think there will be great interest among the safety-camera partnerships. They will give a more sophisticated edge to cameras than the blunt instrument we have at the moment.”

Speed cameras have been proven to be helpful as the number of casualties on the M1 halved after the original average-speed cameras were introduced on a contraflow between junctions 6a and 10.

However, there are also many convincing arguments against them, such as the fact that you can get stuck behind a very slow driver and get caught for ove rtaking.

The Association of British Drivers, which campaigns against speed cameras also made an interesting point about the Specs3 as they would make, “People put the car in cruise control and the mind in neutral. It’s so boring driving through these sections at a constant slow speed that people are going to drop off.”

Specs3 will cost typically £300,000 per network and are likely to be deployed first on long rural A roads, while some local authorities have plans to use Specs3 to enforce 20mph limits on networks of residential roads - yippee we hear you cry.

The Home Office is expected to approve this technology by the beginning of next year, the first fines issued by the time we motor off on our summer holidays - watch out for them as they will be appearing in their hundreds.

By Emma Hughes
New UK speed cameras unavoidable - The INQUIRER
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I am actually all for speed cameras in the right places - its the sneaky ones on fast roads that I cant abide
I am actually all for speed cameras in the right places - its the sneaky ones on fast roads that I cant abide

I agree with you hawkish, I have no problem keeping to the speed limit when I am in an average speed camera area, they are very clearly advertised, unlike those sneaky fekkers with the hair dryer or the van parked where it cant be seen wating to whallop you for doing 37mph in a 30mph zone. Sometimes streets go from 30 to 40 then back to 30 again and the signage is crap.
At the end of the day why dont they just limit the speed of all Cars reguardless of spec/make/enginesize/blah,blah,blah and stop tormenting Road users with stupid money grabbing Technology that actually costs the price of a New Hospital.

That way we all know where we stand,Hang on thats to easy and Non-profitable for the Goverment
will this goverment ever give in dirty b@stards in built up areas like schools yes but you never see a camera there.

always hot spots main roads etc fcukers im gonna chop some down next time im on the razz fcuking liberty takers.

wonder how much you get for a camera and pole scrap price ?
At the end of the day why dont they just limit the speed of all Cars reguardless of spec/make/enginesize/blah,blah,blah and stop tormenting Road users with stupid money grabbing Technology that actually costs the price of a New Hospital.

That way we all know where we stand,Hang on thats to easy and Non-profitable for the Goverment

What and limit all vehicles to the lowest legal speed limit of 20mph? No thanks!
The tech is out there to limit speeds
Im sure ive read of a car that is limited to the right speed for the right area
not being a speeder would help road safety well who knows
Its all speculation and stats
Going too slow can cause just as much probs
We never hear of those probs
A while back i almost hit a woman doing 30 on a motorway
cos she was watching a car on fire on the other side
In other words speed kills yes
too slow or too fast
I agree with you hawkish, I have no problem keeping to the speed limit when I am in an average speed camera area, they are very clearly advertised, unlike those sneaky fekkers with the hair dryer or the van parked where it cant be seen wating to whallop you for doing 37mph in a 30mph zone. Sometimes streets go from 30 to 40 then back to 30 again and the signage is crap.
This is true, whenever I go down south to visit my family there is a long stretch of road that goes from 50 to 30 to 40 to 50 to 30 etc over and over as it cuts the corner of a village or goes near a cow...

The cameras are advertised, but the council keeps moving them about in the vain hope of catching someone who has to drop from 50 to 30 in an instant if they miss the sign...
At the end of the day why dont they just limit the speed of all Cars reguardless of spec/make/enginesize/blah,blah,blah and stop tormenting Road users with stupid money grabbing Technology that actually costs the price of a New Hospital.

That way we all know where we stand,Hang on thats to easy and Non-profitable for the Goverment

Limiting vehicles spped is how we have 2 lanes of a 3 lane motorway tied up with lorries that take 20 miles and 15 mins to overtake.

i can see your resoning but i would not like the side effects of this nor would most ppl as it bad enough with lorries atm.
So £300,000 for these cameras? And remind me how they will deal with motorbikes which don't have front number plates...Not that I'll be worried about them not sending me points when I on my bike :)
Limiting vehicles spped is how we have 2 lanes of a 3 lane motorway tied up with lorries that take 20 miles and 15 mins to overtake.

i can see your resoning but i would not like the side effects of this nor would most ppl as it bad enough with lorries atm.

Totally agree! What is worse is the way that they will able to track your every move. Im not particularly paranoid, but I know when big brother is watching me.
dont know if it true but i saw if they put up a sign on a motorway saying somethink like "FOG 40 mph " on the overhead lighty things but the road is clear daylight and empty and you carry on at 70mph you can be done for speeding.
im sure it was on The Top Gear show.
So £300,000 for these cameras? And remind me how they will deal with motorbikes which don't have front number plates...Not that I'll be worried about them not sending me points when I on my bike :)

I believe SPECS3 will be able to read rear facing plates too
Unless it differs from the current SPECS then they cannot...Also noticed SPECS on M4 ...Forward facing only though...Real shame :(lol
Unless it differs from the current SPECS then they cannot...Also noticed SPECS on M4 ...Forward facing only though...Real shame :(lol

They are different, the tests invole rear facing sites.
I am for safety but I don't think speed cameras are a solution..
Well, If they put them up in towns i can see a lot and i mean a lot of people crashing into cars/things beause the'll be gluded to there speedo making sure htey dont speed!