Any good Games ?


Inactive User
May 12, 2007
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the PS3 looks the part but does it actually do what it says on the tin ?

Does it actually have any good games yet?? From what i can tell they look good but the gameplay is dirt.

A lot of money for a lump of useless (so far) hardware as far as i can see.
I realise im asking to be flamed by the fanboys but honestly is it really worth buying at the moment.... im thinking NO
resistence if by far the best game on the ps3,but thats not saying much

and it certainly isnt a system seller

at this moment in time it isnt worth the plastic its made of
resistance fall of man is the best game out by a mile but really isn't a selling point when it comes for game play. The blue ray player hooked upto a 1080p tele is a different matter as it's just stunning when watching blue ray films.

I'll say to you as i've said to my mates. Short term there isn't enough of a range of games out for the ps3, so u'll get bored pretty quick. best bet is to wait till mid october tons of games like fifa, GTA and many more will be out, plus it will be about £60 cheaper if you believe the reports.
Then ppl will finally see what the big fuss is about with the PS3
Then ppl will finally see what the big fuss is about with the PS3

not this year mate,maybe it may start to show its true potential towards the end of next year

gta4-as far as i see it the extra space on a blue ray will offer is more radio stations/music and maybe higher res cut scenes

the actual game will be identical

same goes for all multi platform titles

besides size/space isnt everything resistance is twice the size of gears

yet it looks no better in fact id say it isnt half the game gears is,and im sick to death of gears too
agreed, resistance is good but not a patch on gears offline and online, the ps3 needs a gears quality release to compete short term but long term the ps3 should be the better console from what ive seen of it, but not at this moment in time.

maybe they should have released an old best seller on the ps3 like burnout and people might have sat up and listened, but they didnt so we have to wait for the new burnout, that looks the dog bollocks visually and i doubt the 360 version will match it on looks, playability will prob be on a par though.
i will put money down that visually burnout paradise will look identical on both systems,infact maybe slightly better on 360 since criterion already have experiance with the hardware,and there still on a learning curve with the ps3
hahahahaha im not even gunna get into how thats just bollocks on soooo many levels