ambit 200 chip needing removed please help

Hi everyone that reads this, I need some help before I attempt to remove the surface mount chip on the Ambit 200, see what it is, I have 2 ambits one with the update and one with the pre-update, the pre-updated one is faulty when powered on it just sits all day on the power light, so im going to removed the chips and do a swap to see if I cant get 1 going if ya know what I mean, hope some1 can help, I really need to know how to remove this without causing damage to the chip or modem. Thanks
Also just to mention it might be worth checkin th fooked modem with hyper term first if you get a checksum error then theirs no point usin that flash you'll need to get a preupdated flash from else where ive got all 3 if you pm me ya email addy i'll send em to ya.