### All keys changed 05/10/07 - post here please ###


DW Member
Feb 24, 2006
Reaction score
HAve the keys changed in pure today? Euro and Dbox gone dead
Not sure if it's the same but my Kryptview went 'off' for roughly 5 mins but all channels back now. Round about 9.45 am I think. Apologies if not related.
yes due to key change HappyH nice to see it passed its first test.

Hi key 00:xxxxx changed about half an hour to 45 minutes ago***nthell***
Yip, ROM7 and ROM11 both changed at 9:54 this morning for me.

Ex-TW in Scotland.

Dbox2 and Dm500c updated ok. :)
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dreambox got blackscreen,,ok back on now
hmmm some mosc gone down and some havent
opus card gone off saying not subscribe to service in nthell pure
ex c+w mosc in south channels started going strange back to normal now
not noticed anything in ex c+w essex... but using 2110c not that id of thought it make a differance. lol
AU Fun

Has there been a change in keyroll method, fun didn't AU.
my digivox went off then updated on it,s own after a few channel change,s and a m8 phoned me to tell me his digivox went oof but it updated wile he was on the phone my sammy 2110 went off but i dodent think andthing of it till i read the funcard and the ird wes round back to front changed it put in the key,s and it came back on after 3/4 minutes so i,m not sure if the card AU,d on it,s own or not .... m8,s said his dbox is working fine all in prue btw
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I dont think the Fun is AU on its own I entered the keys on one box, its working fine now but other hasn't come back on with AU fun, can anyone confirm this to be the case?
if u can see the XtraCp I see the keys have been updated