Admin. Irish fix - where did the thread go???

added you on msn mate so you can remove your address now :)
its a dreambox 500 i have made it for cant be mmds like one person just wanted to
try for
i cant pm mate only read them its a pain made a fix but new user here so cant pm and no one trusts so if you have msn and want to pm me your address feel free

i did not get an email yet
And just when it looked like the plan was toast. You can send it to me mate. Ive got a 500C and am not on mmds - N*L :proud:
I Just want to say why you lot have taken the piss have you thought about im trying to help what are you lot doing and what about all them people with no tv just as i thought none of you care so even if a fix is found by me or someone else i hope you lot dont get it thanks for the support
I Just want to say why you lot have taken the piss have you thought about im trying to help what are you lot doing and what about all them people with no tv just as i thought none of you care so even if a fix is found by me or someone else i hope you lot dont get it thanks for the support

Ahh come on! I think you gave 10minutes for us to respond when we were offline and indicated we should have trusted ya - ?????

I'll PM the N Ire guy above and ask him for your email address. I'll mail ya. Dont think anyone intended to take the piss
Ahh come on! I think you gave 10minutes for us to respond when we were offline and indicated we should have trusted ya - ?????

I'll PM the N Ire guy above and ask him for your email address. I'll mail ya. Dont think anyone intended to take the piss

I did not get an email from him
i did sed you one and any way guys the cam kept crashing got it to stay booted but got given flase keys so unless anyone can get the rom dump looks like game over
please can we end this post back up or shout up

theres calls for this lad to be banned on other forums. maybe hes just a kid - me thinks so. but maybe with good intentions but maybe not. either way it looks as if its past his bedtime
theres calls for this lad to be banned on other forums. maybe hes just a kid - me thinks so. but maybe with good intentions but maybe not. either way it looks as if its past his bedtime

I dont want to no now. can someone delete this thread pls.
u dont get it do u??

they want u to help ur selves
There is a fix and its called CARDSHARE so pay some subs and get yourselfs sorted.
u dont get it do u??

they want u to help ur selves

Good point.
Looks like I'll/We'll have to a bit more research if a solution is to be found. Not tonight though. Just a pity no idiots guide to be had to fully understand the whole concept of linux which is the main problem...

Man - i remember the night i successfully flashed the box - it felt like such an achievement! LOL. Anyways off to bed