Admin and Mods please

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Throw me 1000 free box's I still won't stop members of the forum voicing an opinion.

Personal attack, behave it's school ground stuff.

You might have puppets on other forums to keep the none belivers at bay but not here.

You started the thread which which, IMO, if you had a complant should of been in a pm to admin.

But no YOU decided to make it public and that means people have the right to voice their opinions.

I'm off to bed now coz my lovley wife is waiting for me :) And I'm gonna leave this thread open hoping you can behave like we know we can.

Please dont resort to personal abuse and make me or another mod start banning in the morning. :(

Ok if you think the spiderbox is shit then you have a right to say so no worries. I personnally have never tried one nor do I want to but hate hate foooken spiders anyway ;)

Night chaps, you know the rules so dont be surprised if you get carried away and are pink in the morning ;)


you where bann m8....i have all your Ip and Coach you are same mebers i am sory some one playing dirty here too to unban you.


Its all getting a bit much now even for me, you have mention on numerous threads now you have IP addresses now I don't see any MOD/Admin Status under you name. So i would like to know who has been abusing there status on here and feeding you the IP addresses?

Hope this gets taken seriously.

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Its all getting a bit much now even for me, you have mention on numerous threads now you have IP addresses now I don't see any MOD/Admin Status under you name. So i would like to know who has been abusing there status on here and feeding you the IP addresses?

Hope this gets taken seriously.

ip's not stored on here

as dutcho has said
dont abuse members
even bobi

you where bann m8....i have all your Ip and Coach you are same mebers i am sory some one playing dirty here too to unban you.


Of course we had the same IP's we worked for the same company munchkin hahahaha thought you were supposed to be a techie. haw

But I will tell you something whoever passed you my IP address has broken UK law because unless you are a member of the police or customs they just broke the data protection act. Last person that did that got 5 years and the receiver of the data got 2 years. Hope you like KY.
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Its all getting a bit much now even for me, you have mention on numerous threads now you have IP addresses now I don't see any MOD/Admin Status under you name. So i would like to know who has been abusing there status on here and feeding you the IP addresses?

Hope this gets taken seriously.


Who try to be abusive will get abusive...this is the word m8..
you give you get m8...

Good Night to all.....
That's right I have asked the very same question in another thread, how does he know ip's from THIS forum ?

Sorry guy's but I can't even tell you that ;)

At the end of the day WE, MODS ADMIN and Mick sometimes ;) run this forum, NOBODY ELSE.

Good night chaps take care sweet dreams and remember DONT HAVE NIGHTMARES
ip's not stored on here

as dutcho has said
dont abuse members
even bobi

I know VB really well and if he has linked the fact that Coach and I came through the same company proxie then one of you mods have passed that data to him.
As of last week I dont work for that company anymore, but Coach still does and they wont be happy about this.
just been reading that does he have all the ip addys

Dedicate sevrver
Police lol

The ways of The God are infinity

God night...
Has anyone posted a link to another site, if people have been visiting somewhere else from here, their ip's could be logged there.

I find it hard to believe the staff on here would pass on anyone's details.
Dedicate sevrver
Police lol

The ways of The God are infinity

God night...

not sure what u are implying here m8............but i find ur comments threatening to the forum as a whole
not sure what u are implying here m8............but i find ur comments threatening to the forum as a whole

No threating m8...i have just show same member Danzer = coach...

naw loks that is true becouse he says it self that,why allways i says the truthe people do not like...and FAKE POST people says THANKS..

are you mebers real or Fake !?? with difent 4-5 difet user name and traing atack some one for no reason...

Is not the forum in truble are the Liers members and truble and trubles makers it self.......

but haw i says Good night...
Has anyone posted a link to another site, if people have been visiting somewhere else from here, their ip's could be logged there.

I find it hard to believe the staff on here would pass on anyone's details.

Unless he owns disability forums this is the only SAT forum where this id is Danzer, it was actualy said in another thread that my ip was going to be passed to him.

But what has happened is against the law and
@bobi I wouldn't laugh at the police m8, it makes them more determined.
Someones able to get IP's see this...

JimmyP was the one who banned me and is friendly with bobi and manic and has the same access as Digi, my guess is Digi is too smart to pass on IP info

I've said my piece so g'night all
hope Darkmans thugs dont get us through the night.
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FFS, Danzer/Coach and Bobi get a fecking room and give us all peace.
FFS, Danzer/Coach and Bobi get a fecking room and give us all peace.

why me, I want NO feckin part of this but he keeps bringing my name up.
Could you ignore it witchy?
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