A countdown to war programme, Digital World Debate



Did anyone watch the brilliant prog the other night on ITV with Trevor Mc donald entitled a countdown to war??

Tony Blair what a brilliant leader and statesman ,

I thought looking at the trailers that he was going to get a really rough ride from these ladies,

Some of them very sincere with their views and principles,

from a lady who had lost a son in the last Gulf War,

to a mother who had lost a son in the trade centre and still was going against the War:eek:

and finally my main point to my story an Iraq disident whos family where still there,

Ill come back to my main lady in my story a bit later, the one above "The Iraq refugee,"

All the way through the main point the ladies where trying to make was they agreed with Tony Blair if the evidence was their
They kept slagging him off saying you are wreckless you have given us no proof that Saddam had been stockpiling weapons of mass destruction,
one by one they put their valid points forward,

where again I come to the main charachter in my assessment The lady who was an Iraq refugee,

Any one who noticed when she opened her heart in an emotional tirade,

but in her emotion she herself did not realise what she had said:eek:

"Do you not realise Mr Blair by your wrecklessses that Saddam will use chemical weapons on your troops ,

besides the fact that he will use it on ALL his own people just to stay in power!!":eek:

even the blonde haired woman who was very clever at the side of her GRIMACED at what the Iraq lady had just churned out in emotion,

Well if that wasnt proof that this nutcase Saddam has been stockpiling banned chemical weapons under UN resolution 1441.

I dont know what is??

:confused: :confused: :confused:

To where I come to Claire Short ,

I once remember a member showing me a PM , with what the context was a tantamount to undermine his position in Digital World,

Whom I consider to be a very good friend , cause from the highest to the lowest inteligence in Digital World he treats everyone with parity and respect

Because he knows there are several forums on the Net with overflowing knowledge and techys ,

But not everyone offers the same friendliness and people who would give you their last £1.oo coin , A Band of Brothers,

now I know what he meant , Tony Blair could have cherry picked the cleverest people from the whole of the UK,

but alls he wanted was someone he could TRUST:(

why didnt Claire Short who I respected highly until this episode,

only 2 days earlier not go against Mr Blair round an open forum:(

Ill tell you why , cause shes hoping it goes pair shaped for Mr Blair then she can mount her own battle for beibg the best in the business,

and try to slit his throat through her saying,

I,ll lead a revolt and ask others to join me in my stance and leave the Labour Party ,

Now where have I seen that scenario before friend of mine???;)

Regards Scoot;)
I clocked this post the other day, but didn't read it..... well done Sc@@t!!!! I didn't see the Tv prog, but I do agree with your conclusions.
I am not opposing any action against Iraq, but I do have some reservations.
Firstly, that we should do nothing without a mandate from the UN. Which is going to be very hard to get, however, I think it's crucial that the mandate is there. If the US ( & possibly us), 'go it alone' then we are making a mockery of international law, the UN system and all the supposed moral/democratic principles our leaders claim to have.
Secondly, our leaders have to understand that if this war is prosecuted (with a UN mandate), then they must shoulder the responsibility, unite and act against all the other despotic regiemes around the world. This also implicitly includes the Israeli problem, no more sitting on their hands and doing nothing!
Now is the golden chance for the UN to show it's true potential and actually achieve something, if this does not happen then I geniuenly fear for our long term security.........

Any other thoughts????
ok here 1 for all those who think its a g8 idea to go to war .......
1 ...give me a good reson for it
2... isreal was broken more un rules then any other county in the world but that dont count thier us allies
3 palastine is the largest consentation camp inthe world
straight from the un report on palastine
keora has nuclar weapons chemicial weapons why not take the on ..the reason because they do have then iraq hasnt and the brittish and americans know this
4... over 6,000,000 people have died in iraq from the first gulf war and i use the word war to it most extreme the americans havent stop bombing iraq since then
5...the brittish only come second to isreal inthe league of most human rights abuse in dont let the figures fool you they have killed innocent people with thier policies (shoot to kill,bloody sunday, pat fanincan, they arm counties that are in civial war for profit but turn a blind eyes to the suffering that they have caused
6.. blair is nomore than a puppet on bush's string before people go off half cocked read the facts that this so called socailist goverment arnt telling you
7 there is more than 4 factions waiting on the wing to take over so if sadam goes the watch out for civil war ...
8 1 other thing palistine ,,,the americans and brittish gave the jews this place after the war they have funded thier war michine to which they have done enthnic cleansing hitler would have been proud of
9... the americans allowed know terriost allies like norad to collect money to send to the IRA for years helping to buy guns bomb bullets ,where was thier hard line policy on terrorism then.
10 1 last thing britian and american help to put sadam there in the first place he was educated in america came back to iraq help to over throw a leader the american werent to keen on even though he was a cose friend of sadam they then help him to keep power


You did not offend me m8 what u say is true and i could not have put it better myself. I feel as strong and passionate about this issue as i am sure a lot of good people do.
Blair and Bush have made demands on iraq and when iraq do something it is dismissed by them as a ploy.
I thought our civilised society was past that in this modern world but i fear that a very black mark is going to go down in history against the British. Joining the ranks of the likes of Hitler.
I for one am not proud to be british at this moment in time.
WE should be striving for peace notWAR>
i really dont see the point of this....it seems to be no more than an exercise for bush to get his name down in the history books aswell as flexing a little muscle(cause he's a w@nker).

my main problem with this is that we get told that the evidence is there to warrant an attack but we cant see it.....well if that is 4 security reasons then i suppose you can understand it, but if the evidence is so condeming why are there countries refusing to"tag along". on 1 hand we have them saying theyll push for a 2nd resolution...yet they then turn round and say that it doesnt matter as we are to far down the road to stop a war.......well i say bollox to that!!!!!

don't want to rock the boat , but get yer heads out of the sand and look at the big picture!

yes, i agree, since the last gulf war, many thousand's of iraq(ie) population have lost there lives through the U.N. sanctions ( which have allowed Mr. Hussain to build numerous palaces, ornately decorated and inlayed with gold! - at a cost of millions of dollars!)

And you are correct in saying that it's 'politely correct' to test chemical & biological weapons on the minority of your countrymen.

I am also glad that we in the E.U. have allies like France & Germany, ( but we can't go back 63 years ago and talk about THERE contribution to world peace!!)
will VETO whatever resolution is presented to the U.N. Security Council.
But it has nothing to do with the BILLIONS of $ worth of contracts that they both hold with iraq.

I'm sure that u will ALL with me give Clair Short our best wishes when she leaves the government post ( with **** all to fall back on but her pension that we have paid for her!) and like the Arsehole in the Scottish parliament who said that he will resign his post & stand for election with the socialist party if tony blair does not resign over this issue.

I'm sorry that i disagree with what's already been posted, considering that 100% of the population of iraq voted for the policy of sadam hussain,
then if i'm proved wrong of the matter of weapons of mass destruction, or likewise then i will gladly start a new thread stating publicly how wrong and vilified i feel.


scoot, what a thread!
CNN ran a report a few weeks ago analysing the oil situation in Iraq.

Turns out that France,Russia and China all have contracts for oil with Iraq. These contracts depend on the UN sanctions being lifted but will bring in lots of money for these companies.
America and the UK on the other hand do not have any new oil contracts with Iraq and the US oil companies want them. Guess who the American appointed leader will be dealing with after a war.

The US and the UK need to give the other countries guarantees that their existing contracts will be valid after the war and they may start to be less against war, but then America would have 1 less reason to be for it as they will want their war costs back.

As has been mentioned before we need to go with the decision of the UN, if we ignore the UN then what is the point of it carrying on. America after all has used the Veto more often than any other country in the security council and expected the other countries to listen, so now it is their turn.
America is believing its own hype and trying to push itself as the leader of the world, we should not let them get away with it.
owenzy your wrong m8 ..... the santions have killed more people (kids mostly ) than sadam has btw you tell me who is going to run this country after the war over , america , brittian lol .theamerican are there for the oil m8 pure and simple they are not there to save the workld from some visious leader ...if that was the case why not invade kuwati the people have no vote no rights its governed by one family and only they are allowed to hold powerpeople think of it as rich yes it is 5 percent of the people anyway the rest live in slums...as for chemical weapons and history winston churchill used the on the kurds in iraq long before sadam did ,and what about isreal the use them all the time in palastine btw the jews have no right to be there its an american,brittish made state and guess who pays for the weapons to keep these people in thier ghetto america so much for the for theLand of the good and home of the brave ...ps owenzy you missed out the part america have been bombing parts of iraq since the first gulf war with no santions from the un ..they are nothing more than cold hearted killers as the veitnam war proved they are coward and bullies .these people didnt take it. and i hope (pray to god ) that america and britian dont get away with what is nothing more than an act of unjustified brutality..ps 7-11 has just given him anexcuse to try and prove to his dad look i finished what you coundnt
you make ur points well m8, but i diagree that the u.n. sanctions are killing iraq children, the money that iraq make from selling its quota of oil to the world ( as well as monies from the internatinal aid funds) are supposed to help feed & give medical supplies to the general population, but once again it's the greedy who are skimming the system to meet there own ends.

Go for it Tony!!

Those people crying "NO WAR" would be happy to sit back and wait for Maddman Hussien to disarm all by himself.
No doubt they would have been crying "NO WAR" when Hitler was on the loose.

Lets face it, there's always people who will do nothing, but enjoy the fruits of the sacrifice made by others e.g. Ireland during the second world war, to name but one!
When it comes to things British, there are those who cannot see past their own hatred.

Do you really think Blair should concede to every wimpering wally?
Thankfully he's a strong minded man.

Clare Short etc, doesn't speak for me... I want to see this headbanger sorted once and for all, and the Iraqi people freed.

This of course, is only my opinion and therefore hope you are willing to tolerate these views without calling a rally.


;) ;) ;)
Your talking bollocks.
The weapons inspectors are and will do the job if allowed by bush
and his poodle blair. That is what the problem is these war mongers did not expect him to comply with the u n weapons inspectors and they are now clutching straws for a reason for a war Maybe all you "we want a war brigade" should get ur heads out the sand and see it the way the majority of the free world see it.

I cant wait to see what you and your fellow sympathisers will say when Maddman uses biologic weapons to kill our troops. eh?

oops! I forgot, he doesn't have any. :Jester:

Can you not understand IAN.... the nutter would have declared ZILCH if it wasn't for the Brits and Yanks parked on his dooorstep.

You knooow that's the truth - Dont you IAN?
Still bollocks m8
I would love to see the back of this tyrant but it has to be done the right way and if the way of weapons inspectors is allowed it will succeed. And he can not use chem weapons on our troops IF WE DONT SEND THEM IN.
p.s. i am not a pacifist and i also have a son serving in the gulf at the moment. He will do and is doing his job but like most of his colleges he would rather be here with his family.
Well IAN, let me say this - your son has my FULL SUPPORT. TOTALLY 100%
He's a hero and will do exactly what is asked of him.

And I'll pray (I really will) that he and all his comrades return home safely, and the Iraqi people can look forward to a happier future than what they've become accustomed to. And the world can breathe a sigh of relief.
Cheers m8 but i fear when this ones over the next one will start i.e N.Korea
ian m8,
must echo mervano's last post, ALL of us here on the forum wish for a safe & speedy return of ur son, ( & all of the members of our armed forces!)
and the threat posed by N.K. is fecking frightening!!!!

yep agreed m8,

Saddam is small fry compared to north korea,

they already have nuclear cababilty,

an ditto hope yer lads ok Ian,

but I still feel the Un side is now a broken force,

The inspectors have had 12 yrs of cat an mouse with this guy,

an If left alone Sept 11 will a small tragedy to what this guy has

planned for the West,

hes already used them on his own people, what chance do we have m8,s

plus congrats to the expatriots of Saddams Iraq who marched round Manchester tonite,

now they are people who,ve witnessed first hand his manic rule,

one story was of a 2 yr old little girl who had all the toes on her feetbroken,

because her mother wouldnt lead them to her father a Kurdish tribal leader:(

God bless the Iraq people who hopefully shall soon be liberated and hopefully soon to come under a diplomatic goverment of iraq leadership,

and best wishes and regards to our own lads out their,

regards Scoot;)
i would like to add my thoughts

ok no body wants war
it does not most of the time sort anything out
and its a big but
this started 12 years ago when he tried his luck and lost a war of his own making
he was told by the UN to disarm
this was part of the settlement of the war
but he has been pussy footing around and 12 years later has he distroyed the arms ?
i am not saying YES or NO
if it is no go in and kick his arse
but if it is yes show us (the world) where and how then we will back down

these r my thoughts