360 hard drives.


Inactive User
Nov 17, 2005
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I plan or pulling my 20 gig drive from it's enclosure, and sticking in a 120 gig, and then if possible use the 20 gig on a spare 360.
What I have been searching for is a way to connect the 20 gig to a 360 without it being in it's enclosure.
Is there any adapter available that could make this possible?
The spare 360 has no plastic outer casing, its just sitting there naked in it's metal inner casing, so the 20 gig would be naked also if only I can find a way to connect it :D
it needs to be soldered to the connection mate
Thanks for that.
I had read a few articles on placing the hard drive inside the 360, and these show the cut cable soldered to the board. I'll maybe have to take that route if I cant find any ready made adapter or locate a 360 hard drive enclosure on the cheap ;)