3 Strikes And Your Out (VM)

can i ask what news reader ppl are using because at the minute im using Grabit and it does not support SSL cheers
can i ask what news reader ppl are using because at the minute im using Grabit and it does not support SSL cheers

Newsleecher offers SSL supoort, i love the program it's made me kinda lazy tho the new version will now download your files check them for errors fix any errors and then unrar it for you, Saves you bandwidth aswell casue it will only download the amount of par files it needs to fix any problems :banana:

Someone asked in a post above about why dont they go after all the people that download all the sicko porn, Simple answer is theres very little if any profit in it, so the big companys dont/wont sell it so no profit loss. If the porn was fully legal in say the UK and it was sold by the big companys then i suppose they would go after the people who are downloading it. Hope that makes sense it's been a long day lol

And to another post above with reference to opening the cab boxes with a set of dlock keys!, Are you for real of pulling our chains, I would love to get a peak in to one of the boxes just for the laugh ;-) is it really that simple ???
once again it seems like it will only be the legit customers that get fooked over lol

i know people say they will just switch provider, such as an ADSL one, but trust me.... i would rather risk it than wait 3 hours for a single film to download, only for my ISP to throttle my account the next week for heavy downloading! (this is happened to me!!!! 3 GB limit pfft)

anyways..... isnt monitoring communications against the law? only recorded communications may be monitored

VM are not helping themselves, especially after recently avoiding administration, but... what was their alternatives? the government was gonna enforce something sooner or later, maybe this was VM's best way to help us out? they are not always the bad guys!
once all the legit 20mb heavy downloaders are off the network all the cloners will get decent speeds but will have to force the config

Cant see this working some how and even if it does,, im sure they will lose loads of customers.
me neither i can't see this working very well. they may use people as examples to scared the rest. but i don't see them targeting everyone, the music industry ain't going to pay for VM for lost customers.
I read that it was fake, and was a statement from VM saying they are just in talks.

I believe that they are scared from the news item, and people have been leaving , or a test to see how people would respond.

I also think that they are doing it, but waiting for other isps to do the same, so they do not lose customers, before they annouce it offical.
Talk of cloning makes me think ..... More subbed will want a clone so they can download stuff. I presume this would be a strike on the cloneeeeeee .... eeee .... did I put enough E's ?

But at the same time I do beleive its just toying with the media to guage a reaction. I know a lot of people who are still sore about the DL cap, for a time one of the best reasons to not go ADSL was that cable was limitless. And if they push too many enforcements I beleive people will leave before they are kicked. Making people either choose ADSL which I dont beleive hte majority will when they can look for wifi signal or get a clone without too much effort.
Virgin media selling out their own cutomers

What kind of company does that lol , sell out their own people . Seriously i have no idea how richard branson makes money. I know that he evaded tax to get rich back in the day , i think hes pulling something dodgy here too.
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There seems to be a few people who are misunderstanding how ssl works, and some who think they're safe if they use it. So I thought I'd clear a few things up. SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a way to encrypt a connection on the internet between two points. So if you use it, no-one in between the two end points of the connection can read what is being downloaded. They can however tell EVERYTHING about who is downloading something, and who they're getting it from.

The important thing to realise is that at the endpoints, everything is unencrypted. So, taking bittorrent as an example, the way the music industry will catch you is by seeding (or simply joining) a torrent, and then checking to see who else is downloading it. SSL doesn't make a blind bit of difference. Even things like peerguardian won't help all that much. An industry employee could still connect to the tracker to get a list of seeders and downloaders. Just because none of them will allow said employee to connect to them is a bit of a mute point.

The same goes for newsgroups. The server owners know exactly what you've been downloading. And I imagine if faced with a court order, they'd roll over and give up all the records. It's just they haven't started targeting usenet yet (which has always seemed very strange to me, being that giganews et al are about the only people who are making money out of all the piracy).

But as has already been pointed out though, hacked modems make this a totally pointless exercise anyway. Even if you ARE downloading lots of stuff, in court you can just claim your modem has been cloned. AFAIK there's no way for them to prove it hasn't, especially 6 months down the line when it finally makes it to trial. That's more than reasonable doubt (and if the number of members here is anything to go by it's fairly likely ;) ). All Virgin will end up doing is losing customers, and it'll not be the heavy downloaders. More likely it'll be the poor sods who had their modem cloned.

Just my thoughts. Happy leaching...
If it does come in to effect then just do what I already do, SSL premium newsgroup server.

I Take your point about torrents having no SSL advantage, but all VM would be able to see is that you are downloding shit loads of data, not what you are getting. Most premium servers offer anonymity (ie not storing logs of what individual users are downloading), and no court order in this country has jurisdiction abroad for something so trivial. The only way they will be able to stop newsgroup downloading is to get isps to ban news servers by a change in law under the auspices of say child porn, or a conduit for terrorist recruitment/ communication.

It will be the casual Bittorrent low tech guys that get hit.

And has already been stated, VM is so full of security holes, they couldn't get their shit together for doing BPI's work.
Also you can make a private network using something like retroshare and then you know you're safe.
so would ip blocking software not help ie hide ip platinum or whatever?
This has been talked about before, and now looks like becoming a reality.

Apologies if this has already been brought up.

Edit : Link Fixed

Can you imagine how many customers they will lose over this? bye bye profit.

how many people use the internet mainly for downloading, plus how the hell will they monitor it, OK i'm sure they can tell if your on an illegal site, but most people use binary newservers........i really dont think they can tell whats being downloaded.......can they??

and why give us 20MB DL speed in the first place??? to get our emails quicker!!!! lol

gas and hot air i say
Maybe this is time to start thinking about switching to Sky. Then again maybe I'll just wait it out!
Carphone Warehouse will not be 'internet police

Read this from the Times.

Charles Dunstone, the chief executive of Carphone Warehouse, has said that he would refuse to disconnect internet users caught illegally downloading copyright music and other items.

The Government is trying to persuade internet service providers to reach agreement with the BPI, the body that represents the music industry, to agree a "three strikes and out" policy where people caught breaching copyright will have their connection cut after the third transgression.

However, the proposal is controversial because it requires internet providers to monitor what their customers do, to discover if they are engaged in any illegal downloading.

Carphone operates the TalkTalk service, Britain's third biggest internet service provider, and in a statement Mr Dunstone's company said: "TalkTalk rejects music industry threats and refuses to become internet police."

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It said that the proposal would "impinge on customers rights" and "restrict freedom to use the internet".

In response, the BPI said that Carphone was either seeking "to misrepresent our position, or just doesn’t get it". It said that it wanted internet providers to act on information that is provided to them, and said that it "firmly believe in an internet where property rights are respected, and creativity is fairly rewarded".

Other internet providers, notably Virgin Media, have appeared more willing to co-operate. But without the support of all major providers it is hard to see how the proposal can go ahead, unless the Government makes good on a threat to legislate if the industry cannot agree.
Is MIRC and/or Rapidshare d/l encrypted?

My pal wants to know :blushing: