3 pc's for a small office

Thanks all, I will install all the network stuff I have shed loads of that stuff in my loft.

I also have a HP microserver that has never really been used... That could be the network share.

I do have quite a few questions regarding storing all the data on a network pc and possibly mirrored to Dropbox...

But these suggestions are great and gives me an idea of cost

The office I am looking at needs heaters and an alarm system so will try and get a discount on the rent
Thanks all, I will install all the network stuff I have shed loads of that stuff in my loft.

I also have a HP microserver that has never really been used... That could be the network share.

I do have quite a few questions regarding storing all the data on a network pc and possibly mirrored to Dropbox...

But these suggestions are great and gives me an idea of cost

The office I am looking at needs heaters and an alarm system so will try and get a discount on the rent

Microserver would be ideal for NAS device. You got the option of operating systems, just depends on what you are most comfortable with. Personally using W2K12 on mine (you need to update the BIOS first), though you could get away with Win7.

Dropbox, Google drive and OneDrive all have clients that you can install and set up mirrored folders that will automatically update cloud storage. Also plenty of free 3rd party backup apps that support cloud storage. I would still backup to USB as well.