'3' internet


Inactive User
Feb 12, 2008
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I got a message from '3' yesterday, offering for existing customers only, mobile internet with a dongle and a netbook all for £15 month.

Sounds a bit too good doesn't it?
tis prob an 18month contract

bear in mind you can get a top[ spck lappy from currys for free if you take out a contract with certain mobile internet co's
It's a 24 month contract.
The monthly fee for the 'proper' laptops are £30 - £45 per month.

Found out the bandwidth on 3 is only 1gig. Means gonna rack up loads of extra payments I suppose.
yep they charge 0.85 pence per MB after your allowed allowance is used up

the signal is pretty good in most places. overalll not a bad deal if you need a netbook. any idea which netbook is on offer and how much its worth?
For those that have their own laptop, sign up to the "Three" monthly internet and get 3gb data allowance for £5/pm, use your mobile as a modem. worls perfectly on my nokia.