20 Totally CRAZY Facts About The Royal Wedding


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Oct 11, 2010
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1. The first Royal Wedding occurred in 880 A.D. between Charlemagne and a really proper sea serpent.

2. William & Kate’s first dance will be to the song “Two Princes.”

3. The world’s last living court jester, 93-year-old “Stoutly” Samuel Densingtowne of Cornwall, will be present but unable to perform The Royal Lolligaggings due to failing health.

4. Elton John will be performing “Candle In The Wind ’97: Finally Forgotten”

5. The date of Prince Harry’s wedding has been pushed back to Saturday because of this wedding.

6. According to the Magna Carta, Royal Weddings are not official until “The dove doth crow deathly into thayre hilles,” but nowadays synthetic doves are used.

7. William’s wedding scepter is brought to you by Rio.

8. The birth rate in the U.K. is expected to spike by 190% in 2011, a common occurrence in years of Royal Weddings, World Cup victories, and moon landings (still).

9. William and Kate registered at CrateAndBarrel.co.uk, but their only item is a giant ornate fountain you can’t afford.

10. Robbie Williams will be there for some reason.

11. After failing to gain clearance for The Queen, movie theaters in London will be temporarily re-releasing the Helen Mirren explosion-comedy Red.

12. From 1311 until 1380, Royal Weddings were consummated by the king literally having intercourse with every British citizen, but this rule was abandoned after the death of John VII, aka “John The F*cking.”

13. Disney’s Robin Hood originally included a “Royal Wedding” scene between Sir Hiss and the Sheriff, but the satire was deemed “too irreverent” and the scene was ultimately cut.

14. T-Shirts with the slogan “I went to the Royal Wedding and got this t-shirt there I did” are currently going for £7,500 ($16,580 USD).

15. Kate will be wearing the real-life Heart of the Ocean from Titanic during the procession, though the one used in the popular 1997 motion picture was a facsimile produced by Georgianne’s Ringerrie, a Scottish jewelry-replicating firm.

16. Prince William is actually John Rocker.

17. Officials expect more Tweets about this year’s Royal Wedding than any Royal Wedding in history since Henry IV.

18. Due to a loophole still on the books, Kate will also rule India.

19. If you combined the weight of every Royal Wedding themed post on the entire internet, it still would not weight as much as insects.

20. The Royal Wedding will be watched by more than 3,000 people and broadcast on over 10 channels worldwide.

20 Totally CRAZY Facts About The Royal Wedding | Best Week Ever