1TB Hard Drive £19.95

In a shop when a price is displayed in the shop window (I believe) they have to sell to you at that price. But on the net they dont have the same rules.

"Apple is not responsible for typographical errors. Apple reserves the right to cancel any order you have placed if there was a typographical error on the Apple Store concerning the pricing or availability of any item you ordered when you placed the order."

ahhh yes but will this apply after the money has been taken, i'm sure some buyer protection law comes into place then!!!!
Just phoned customer services and they are saying i haven't recieved a conformation email so they are well within there rights to cancel the order, they say they changed the item because they can't cancel an item that no longer exsists. They also say they haven't recieved my money, and that it will probably reappear in my account in the next couple of days. I never get any of these bargain deals on DW. I think i'm just going to avoid this area of the site from now on, every bargain i try to buy ends up causing me trouble.
Just phoned customer services and they are saying i haven't recieved a conformation email so they are well within there rights to cancel the order, they say they changed the item because they can't cancel an item that no longer exsists. They also say they haven't recieved my money, and that it will probably reappear in my account in the next couple of days. I never get any of these bargain deals on DW. I think i'm just going to avoid this area of the site from now on, every bargain i try to buy ends up causing me trouble.

awww wiiman, don't worry i'm sure you will get ya money back, It was more than worth a go tho wasn't it, because if ya had of got it it would av been a bargain, so I'd keep trying mate, just be prepared to av a little trouble and dont fawk out too much.
Whilst we will make every effort to supply you with the Products listed on the Order Confirmation, there may be occasions where we are unable to supply these Products because, for example, (i) such Products are no longer being manufactured or available or (ii) we are unable to source relevant components or (iii) if there was a pricing error on the Apple Store Web Site. In such circumstances we will contact you to inform you and may suggest alternative Products that you might wish to purchase. If you do not accept our suggestions then we will cancel your Order in relation to those Products we cannot supply and repay you any money that you may have paid to us in respect of those Products. Subject to clause 11.4 below, repayment of such monies will be the extent of our liability to you if we are unable to deliver to you the Products you have ordered.

found this on their terms and conditions. doesnt look good at all
my order status aint changed expecting a delivery tommorow

YEAH RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

fingers crossed lol

: colors1
I just checked my order status and it says i ordered DYMO LABELWRITER LARGE ADDRESS LABEL-ZML and that the order has been cancelled! But this item only costs £1! If i get a refund now are they going to try it on and give me only a quid back!

mines changed to the above now also :FRIGHT:,,,Has anone got there full money back????
Just got this email...

Dear Apple Store Customer,
We regret to inform you that your recent order for the Iomega 1TB Value Series Hard Drive. Which you placed on the online Apple Store has not been accepted.
Due to a temporary inaccurate pricing issue on the store, the price of the product was listed incorrectly as £19.95. Whereas the correct online Apple Store price is £199.95 i.e. the listed price was approximately 10% of the correct price.
We would like to draw your attention to clauses 2.4 and 2.5 of the Apple Online Store Terms and Conditions under which if Apple cannot accept your Order, we will contact you.
Furthermore, we would like to draw your attention to clause 2.6 of the Apple Online Store Terms and Conditions under which Apple reserves the right to cancel your order in case of a price error on the Apple Online Store.
We understand the inconvenience that this pricing inaccuracy may have caused you, and we sincerely apologize.
Kind Regards,
The Apple Store

cant do anything about it

its in there terms and conditions
Missed this too.
T+C's are all very clear. Bit of a pi$$er, but the site has done nothing wrong, unless anyone can prove that it was a blatant attempt to gain monies. As they have already said that the price was out by 90% so clearly a typo, they don't have to do anything other than return your money. If a shop displays an item with an incorrect price on it, then thats all it is. They do not have to sell you anything. You often here of people managing to get an item at that price but this is just an "act of goodwill"..
Lastly threatening them with court or trading standards will just get you a standard reply of come and have a go if you think you are hard enough (or business speak meaning the same).